Although it’s a slower week for gaming, Nintendo returns with their weekly eShop updates. From the Atelier Firis series to MotoGP21, this week features over 30 new titles coming to Nintendo Switch. This week also see’s the release of the new DLC for Immortals Fenyx Rising. This is Nintendo Download for April 23rd!
I still kick myself for not noticing the Shantae series when it started. An Arabian Nights-style aesthetic AND a Metroidvania? How could I not enjoy it? Way Forward has done an amazing job building on each game’s success to make the next one bigger and better. With Shantae and the Seven Sirens, does the series finally hit the big time?
Quickly becoming an icon for the indie game scene, Shantae’s humble beginnings started on the Gameboy Color and from there went on a journey that started a franchise. Shantae’s latest adventure comes in the form of Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, which is available on Steam, PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, and the Vita. Being a huge fan of the last game, Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse, I was inc...[Read More]
Every now and again, when the gaming market shifts focus to another console, excellent games are released, only to be buried by new technology. This is the same thing that happened to the excellent Shantae, a Gameboy Color game overshadowed by the growth and acceptance of the Gameboy Advance. Well-received by critics, Shantae saw a life that could’ve been much bigger, which is why there are ...[Read More]
The Half-Genie Shantae makes her debut on the Xbox One with Pirate's Curse, a delightful Metroidvania adventure with memorable characters and music. After making her mark on handheld Nintendo systems, how does this version hold up? Find out as Alex McCumbers plays it for the first time.
She’s the original Fly Girl of In Living Color — Game Boy Color, that is. Shantae, our favorite purple-haired, gold-bangled half-genie hero first made her debut in 2002. Despite the fact that the Game Boy Advanced was released in 2001, Shantae’s debut adventured conjured a cult following. Whipping forward eight years, Shantae cast a spell on DSi with Risky’s Revenge, which ...[Read More]