Shaun of the Dead

Review: All Zombies Must Die! (XBLA)

Before going into this review, there’s something you should know about me and my stance on zombies. In a conversation about zombies, I’m the guy vociferously and loquaciously pontificating about the oversaturation of the aforementioned subject matter in the highly enjoyable and addicting medium of video games. When done right, a zombie game can be fun. The issue is that zombies as a tr...[Read More]

The Origins of Zombies

With every paranormal or mythological creature, there is a plausible back story that can explain the origins of the creature. So, let us take a moment or two to explore some popular creatures found in today’s culture and media.

Review: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

I had heard of Scott Pilgrim before, but had never taken the time to read the books (so kindly reviewed by Eddy).  After seeing an advance screening of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World last night thanks to our friends Chris and Kelly, and new friends Loren and Lauren, I plan on rectifying that mistake shortly.  I had mixed expectations for this movie going in; On the positive side you have Edgar Wright...[Read More]

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