
Review: Mass Effect 3 (PS3/360)

After completing Mass Effect 3 a total of four times on two platforms, countless hours of multiplayer, and numerous podcasts covering the story and controversies around it, I still don’t know if I’m ready to talk about the game. My career with Mass Effect as a series has meant completion of every game on both Xbox 360 and again on PS3, reading comic books and novels, and pulling everyone I could i...[Read More]

Mass Effect 3 Demo Impressions

This weekend I was all ready to avoid the Mass Effect demo.  I didn’t want any spoilers at all, I wanted to walk into the opening of the game fresh so I could fully experience it as it was intended.  I was doing a good job of avoiding the demo too, until news came out that the PC version was available for download and my resolve disappeared.  Less than an hour later I was playing the PC demo...[Read More]

E3 2011: Mass Effect 3 or How BioWare Saved My E3

At E3 this year, BioWare Executive Producer Casey Hudson narrated a roughly 30 minute demonstration of Mass Effect 3, which is due out in March 2012, to groups of journalists and retailers.  While I will go on at length about the demo let me just say that I was floored by the presentation.  The theater looked like the shuttle interior from the previous game, they were running the game on a 72̸...[Read More]

Mass Effect 3 for PC Only?

Just posted on the EA store, is Mass Effect 3 for PC only?

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