Last year, Lindsey and I were sitting down to watch a movie. I wanted subtitles, as I sometimes do, so I set them up. On the screen, Lindsey saw “1/4 English”, meaning that I had chosen the first subtitle track out of the four available, and that it was English. She thought I had set the movie to be in 1/4th English and 3/4th another language. I just set subtitles on a movie now, and i...[Read More]
Remember the good old days of your childhood when you would wake up at the crack of dawn on Saturday mornings to catch your favorite cartoons? All of our favorite heroes were there waiting to save the day and entertain us. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles would skate in, pizza in hand, and beat the Foot Clan down! The X-Men would rush in and defeat some Sentinels! The Pirates of Darkwater woul...[Read More]
Over a month ago, Chris and Kelly ( were kind enough to lend us their copy of Boom Blox for the Nintendo Wii, claiming that it was a great game that we just had to try. After letting it sit on the shelf for so long, we finally put it in and gave it a try yesterday afternoon. We were very impressed with this game. Neither one of us has played the single player gam...[Read More]
Ok. Last week we rented a few movies, one of which was Sukiyaki Western Django. We just finished watching it this very moment, and I could not wait to provide the internet with my review. It was ass. There were some cool bits, but it should have been done in Japanese, because the actors were very awkward speaking in English, and it affected the quality of their performances. It’s suppose...[Read More]
Right before our show tonight Chris and I got instantly aggrivated courtesy of our dog, Donnie. Chris had taken him outside to use the restroom prior to the show and apparently Donnie thought it would be cool to go behind the couch and piss on the carpet. After putting Donnie in his kennel, and after trying my best to get it up and out of the carpet, we started the show. We discussed our wedding i...[Read More]
Bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas ...[Read More]
Seriously! I just got an email from her right now in my inbox and I have the proof to show you all (click the image for a larger shot): Wow… how did she know that this is exactly what I needed? It’s like we are the same mind, body, and soul. Yum… – She Who Has The Last Word (oh… and obviously I sent her straight to the SPAM folder lol)
I feel so naughty because I didn’t write this blog sooner, but better late than never! Last Sunday, Chris and Kelly of The Married Gamers came over to our apartment for lunch and to record a podcast. We had a lot of fun. It was really similar to what we do on our MehCasts but with better equipment lol! Like we’ve said before on our show, we have very low production quality but we are o...[Read More]
For the past week or so, Donnie has been scratching under his right arm straight in the arm pit itself. I’ve checked to see if he was injured there, if there is a bug bite, and if there is anything to warrant his persisent scratching yet I have found nothing. Chris and I have kept a close eye on it to make sure it doesn’t get worse or need medical attention. These past few days he has ...[Read More]
Last night Chris and I attended the midnight premiere for Watchmen, and it was epic. Both Chris and I will be making a blog with our own personal reviews however this particular blog is to clue you in about the idiots we had to tolerate for 2 hours prior to the movie starting. Earlier in the day we had picked up our tickets and some snackies because, let’s be honest, the prices for snacks at...[Read More]
Herein lies the lament of the lumberjack. Before witnessing his woeful wailings, discern his dismal downfall: Skip a bit to about 3:45 for the tale of the lumberjack, or watch the lovely story about the pet parrot first (a very touching story about a man and his Norwegian Blue). youtube::gfIVMchKd_U:: I’ll give you a few moments to digest. … … … … All set? Lovely. ...[Read More]