Well I know this is getting posted rather late, but it is better than not at all. Last Friday we had a really fun show and the chat room was rather active. We started the show off as usual and then got into all the juicy details. Chris even made a foil replica of Ryu’s headband. Ryu is from Street Fighter if some of you readers don’t know that. We updated everybody about our grand plot...[Read More]
The date, February 19, 2008. The time, 8:50pm. The place, AT&T corporate store at 5180 N Blackstone Ave, in Fresno. The situation: For our two month anniversary (two monthaversary, twoaversary, whatever), we decided to purchase new cell phones for each other. I had wanted an iPhone since before there was even speculation about iPhones. She wanted a Sidekick LX. We had spent a great deal of ...[Read More]
Good morning, World of Meh! So last night marked Episode 5 of Year 1 of our weekly MehCast. It was a good show, and, if I recall correctly, our best attended and longest show yet! The two of us had a real blast with this episode, and we really appreciate everyone who has been watching and participating. We started off the show by discussing Lindsey’s Princess Leia style aluminum foil hair,...[Read More]
Lindsey and I have a dog named Donnie. We did not name him. We adopted him in May of 2008, at the ripe old age of 4 years, and the name came with him. I like to think it’s short for something cool, like Donatello. More likely, it’s an homage to Donnie from the New Kids on the Block. Such is life. Anyway, we come to the point of our rambling. We have not paid a pet deposit to our n...[Read More]
So a few months ago, walking in to Vons (a grocery store on the west coast), I see, from the orner of my eye, Lindsey starting to kick her left foot somewhat on each step, like a bull stamping it’s hoof before it charges. It persists almost all the way to the store entrance. I started copying her to tease her about it, when she informed me that she was just trying to get the bottom of her ...[Read More]