
E3 2011: Microsoft Trying to Keep Mascot Alive with Halo 4?

Microsoft announced “Halo 4” at their press conference June 6 at E3, nearly nine months after “Halo: Reach” launched on the 360. The minute-and-a-half trailer left more questions than answers themselves. Among those questions one in particular begs to be asked: is Microsoft trying to salvage their first real mascot from the figurative grave?

Gaming is for Everyone – The Theme of the Year at E3

Amid all the new systems, games, bundles and other shenanigans throughout E3, one common theme can be discerned amid the mix of disconcerting euphoria: Gaming should be enjoyed by all, not just some. Is this the trend we can expect to see the upcoming generation of gaming to follow? Is it the path that has the interests of all gamers–and not just some–in mind?

The Philosophical Question of the PSN Outage

Is online connectivity really all it’s cracked up to be? In the wake of Sony completely losing their online service for over a week, I just have to ask one potentially-obvious-but-maybe-not question: Do we as gamers really need online? In this modern era of gaming where so much is convenient and instantaneous, is online service a necessity, the future of gaming, a perk that we take for grant...[Read More]

Twisted Metal, Sweet Tooth and… Rape?!

Earlier today the latest trailer for Twisted Metal hit and it has been receiving some varying reviews. Most of the fans are digging it, really enjoying how dark it is, and are super psyched for when the game releases. Others are not so receptive, saying that there is rape in it and that it’s almost too dark. So, what gives?

Review: Acceleration of Suguri X Edition (PSN)

Have you ever had a moment where you feel like you walked into something that already started, so you have no idea what is going on? And have you ever experienced something that is so surreal that you don’t care about what you don’t know, because it’s so fun? Welcome to Acceleration of Suguri X Edition!

PlayStation Meeting 2011 Details

Today, or tonight depending on what time zone you live in, Sony held a special press conference. With President and Group CEO, Kaz Hirai, hosting the event, gamers across the globe await to see if the rumors are true – that a successor to the PSP will be announced.

Modern Combat Domination – War Veteran Trophy

This MOVE supported first-person shooter is actually better than it looks and better than many may expect at the low price-point it holds. Check out the following video of the War Veteran trophy and see what life is like for soldiers in the new PSN title.

Review: Kinect Sensor

First, I gave you delightful readers a review of PlayStation Move, then, Austin gave us a nice PlayStation Move vs. Xbox Kinect article back in September. So, now that the Xbox Kinect has been released, what’s the verdict?

Weekly Retro Review: ICO

What happens with you take gorgeous graphics, minimalist design, a great story and mix it all together? Surprisingly, the greatest escort mission ever in gaming. ICO is the brainchild of gaming auteur Fumito Ueda, winner of three Game Developers Choice Awards after it came out in 2001.  Let’s talk about why it deserves it.

Check Out Andrew Garfield As Spider-Man

We now have our first look at the rebooted web slinger. And it looks like he just had his ass handed to him.

Review: Worms: Battle Islands (PSP)

Worms, on the go? Now we're talking!

Mass Effect 3 for PC Only?

Just posted on the EA store, is Mass Effect 3 for PC only?

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