
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive’s New Game Mode

Last month, we found out that one of my favorite games, Counter-Strike, was getting a re-release of sorts onto consoles as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Loaded with new maps, updated classic maps from the original game, new game modes, ranked matchmaking, cross-platform play, leaderboards, new weapons, and more, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is going to absolutely kill any free time I may o...[Read More]

Review: Portal 2 (360)

I spent the latter half of this past Saturday humming random bars from Jonathan Coulton’s brilliantly written ending credits song for the original Portal, Still Alive (We do what we must, because we can…)* After a handful of bars, my wife turned to me and asked, with more than a hint of exasperation, “Am I going to have to listen to you humming that all weekend?” I regretfu...[Read More]

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