
Spider-Man: Torment, 20 years later

20 years ago, Todd McFarlane, comic artist extraordinaire, was given an amazing opportunity: to not just draw, but write his own Spider-Man book. The comic, simply titled Spider-Man, was designed as a book to sell trade paperbacks. Back then, comics that filled a whole book with one storyline was a rarity. So the question is, does Torment, the debut story of the comic, hold up two decades afterwar...[Read More]

Deadpool Script Draft Review

Deadpool is one of my favorite characters in comics. When he’s written by someone who knows how to write him, Deadpool is the most entertaining super-whatever you will ever encounter. His never-shuts-up personality puts Spider-Man to shame, and the fourth wall is just a formality to him. From performing a Shoryuken on Kitty Pryde in order to piss off Wolverine, to acknowledging thought boxes...[Read More]

Marvel vs Capcom EVERYTHING

Yes, I said everything. We’ve got screenshots and trailers just for you! Why spend your Saturday being lazy when you could feast your eyes upon some MvC3 goodies! Well, here’s everything we have for Marvel vs. Capcom 3!

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 – Spider-Man & Wesker

I’ve never been a big fan of the Resident Evil series.  It’s never held even the slightest bit of appeal for me.  Lindsey, on the other hand, has for the most part been completely enamored with it, so perhaps she will be more excited by part of this news than I am.  Wesker (a Resident Evil character, I guess) is coming to Marvel vs. Capcom 3.  Oh, and Spider-Man.

One Moment in Time

So here’s this image…

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