Xbox has recently revealed that later this month, players will get 19 original Xbox games will get the backwards compatibility treatment. A few of these have stood the test of time and are considered classics today, including the legendary Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. This was recently teased in recent article on the Xbox Wire, as they stated how their common request is more updates with the Orig...[Read More]
Star Wars fans rejoice! The latest chapter of the Knights of the Fallen Empire story-line is available now to players of Knights of the Old Republic. The GEMINI Deception leads the Outlander closer to the ultimate showdown.
Before I get into what I am about to say, it should be noted that the opinions expressed in this article are solely my own. It is not the opinion of our site as a whole, nor will this mean that our site will become anti-BioWare (because honestly, that would just be stupid). I personally feel that, as a gamer and a fan of BioWare, there are some things that need to be addressed.