For a Jedi, defending the galaxy from their vile Sith counterparts is tiring work. That’s why, when they get back to the Jedi Temple, the first things on their minds are relaxation and rest. A nice Force backrub, a cool shower, and a comfortable bathrobe to lounge around in. And when a Jedi lounges, they lounge in style. Enter the Jedi Bathrobe.
Before I rant on BioShock Infinite I would like to thank 2K for the pie and hospitality. I would also like to add that the food was a reasonable substitute for the Playboy bunnies you had last year. If you read this, I would like the name of your caterer. Anyway, enough about the pie and on to Infinite.
This morning I read an article from the Wall Street Journal by author Kay Hymowitz entitled “Where Have The Good Men Gone?” Usually, I enjoy a rant against my gender, but reading what Hymowitz wrote made me unbelievably furious. The piece, linked below, is simply an assault on gamers and “nerds,” one that trivializes our medium and uses it to generalize men in a way that is unfair. It ignores an e...[Read More]
One of the fundamental differences I have with my wife stems from Star Wars; she is forever drawn to the Dark Side of the Force, while I am a Jedi, like my father before me. With Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, the choice of how you use the Force to battle the Empire has no bearing whatsoever on your character’s alignment, in much the same way that it had no bearing in the first Star Wars...[Read More]
Like every other Mac user, you get tired of hearing all of your Windows using friends talk about their newest online game that you can’t play. Yesterday Sony Online Entertainment, LucasArts and TransGaming released Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures on Mac. Suck on that Windows junkies!
One week ago Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures launched. Within that time the family friendly free to play MMO based on Cartoon Network’s hit series has registered one million players.
For a long time I’ve watched the How It Should Have Ended videos on YouTube. Not only are they hilarious, but they actually make sense when you really sit down and think about it. Yesterday they uploaded a video for how Empire Strikes Back should have ended.
Put your two thumbs up, smile and say “Who wants to play the Clone Wars Adventures open beta?” Now stop looking silly, go over to your computer and get ready to have an amazing Jedi moment (or Clone Trooper moment, if that’s how you roll!)
Two days ago George Lucas announced at Celebration V that Star Wars would be coming to Blu-Ray. Even though Lucas is a complete ass, and seems to hate the fans (Jar Jar Binks, not giving us a remastered Original Trilogy, etc), he tried to make everything seem awesome with the addition of…wait for it…additional footage that was left on the cutting room floor.
Big news from the Star Wars Celebration V. George Lucas has announced that the film series that made him a household name is going high def in 2011.
So Pixar made their first movie & made a killing at the box office. Pixar took their success with a grain of salt though & opted not to just get lazy. Their second feature is in my honest opinion, very underrated.
Alright, for those of you who have been keeping track, this years Blogathon has turned out to be pretty crazy. Not only have we chosen One Love for Chi as our charity, but we have been given prizes galore to give away as raffle prizes. So far we’ve received Band Hero kits from Activision, a Sims 3 Prize Package from EA, t-shirts and goodies from The ECA, loads of PSP games from Mumbo Jumbo, ...[Read More]