You heard it folks, straight from the Comic-Con panel, it was announced today that Boba Fett will be in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II. Fans were also given some additional tasty tidbits
Last Friday, Chris and I rented the recent title to hit the LEGO video game franchise, LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4. I guess you could say I’m a fan of the LEGO game series. I played through LEGO Star Wars and LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy for regular Xbox, and then we got LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga for the 360. Months ago we rented LEGO Batman, but weren’t impressed. P...[Read More]
Earlier this month I talked about the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Collector’s Edition. Lindsey and I both played Star Wars: The Force Unleashed on PS2 way back in 2008, and while we both enjoyed it, we both thought it was too short, among other small complaints. Overall, however, it was a great Star Wars game. With Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, many of those complaints...[Read More]
A few weeks ago, I gushed over the upcoming collector’s edition of Fable III. The packaging is wonderful, the bonus items are relevant, entertaining, and a great way to connect the physical world with the game world. I wouldn’t say no to more things being thrown in, but I also wouldn’t say no to dropping $79.99 on it either. News has hit today of another big collector’s ...[Read More]
I remember months ago reading about the new Star Wars line that Adidas was coming out with. They had shoes, shirts, hoodies, and a few other things that I can’t remember, but from what I saw, I liked it. On June 4th they released the, what I think is the first, commercial for the line. It makes perfect sense seeing that the World Cup 2010 is just a few days away. Since I wasn’t paying ...[Read More]
I was never bit by the MMORPG bug in the way most people are. I tried World of Warcraft for a month or two, but eventually got tired of paying a monthly subscription fee just to grind a character. I only started World of Warcraft in the first place because there was a promotion for a free week of play, and I wanted to see what all the hubbub was about. Since that time, I haven’t touched a...[Read More]
May is a wonderful month. May 4th is the unofficial Star Wars Day (May the Fourth be with you!), May 5th is another unofficial Star Wars Day (Revenge of the Fifth!), May 25th is Towel Day (I’m a hoopy frood who really knows where his towel is!), and more! What we’re here to talk about today, however, is Free Comic Book Day! The first Saturday in May is always set aside as the officia...[Read More]
Good morning, World of Meh! So last night marked Episode 5 of Year 1 of our weekly MehCast. It was a good show, and, if I recall correctly, our best attended and longest show yet! The two of us had a real blast with this episode, and we really appreciate everyone who has been watching and participating. We started off the show by discussing Lindsey’s Princess Leia style aluminum foil hair,...[Read More]
It all started yesterday when Chris was messing around with his iPhone. I bought it for him back in February of last year, and shortly after he jailbroke it. Once the 2.0 software upgrade came out, he upgraded but didn’t jailbreak it again until last night. He then started adding random ringtones since the default ones are terrible. He was getting a laugh out of the Star Wars tones so he put...[Read More]