
Horizon Chase Turbo PAX Hands-On Preview

Being only the tender age of 19, I am too young to feel adequate nostalgia for the 80s and 90s racing games. I can, however, recognize a beautiful game when I see one. Which is exactly what Horizon Chase Turbo by Aquiris Game Studios is. Drawing from games like Out Run, Lotus Turbo Challenge, Top Gear (SNES), and Rush, Horizon Chase Turbo seeks to resurrect and reinvent that classic era of racing....[Read More]

YIIK: A Post-Modern RPG Impressions from PAX East

Y2K. For a time in 1999, these three characters could strike dread into the hearts of millions, possibly billions of people. Banking computers would forget their data. Air traffic control would go dark. Electric grids would fail! It was a doomsday scenario that everyone was going to live through, because the one that can never, ever be stopped is the inexorable march of time. Now Ysbryd Games is b...[Read More]

We Previewed Last Encounter at PAX East, Now The Game is Available on Steam

Available today for everyone on Steam, Last Encounter is a top-down, twin-stick shooter with heavy weapon customization and a few roguelike influences. I got a chance to go hands-on with the game this year at PAX East, and garner a few impressions ahead of today’s PC launch.

Above – A PAX East Preview

Only on the show floor for two of the four days of PAX East this year, it would have been easy to miss Above, tucked into its corner of the Indie Megabooth. I’m glad I didn’t do that. This whimsical, top-down story of aviation, adventure, and exploration captured my imagination to become a game I’ll be eagerly awaiting in 2019.

PAX Preview: Roarr! The Adventures of Rampage Rex

It’s rare to encounter a game equally capable of coaxing smiles from middle-aged writers as it is from the four-year-old daughters of said writers, However, that’s exactly what Roarr! The Adventures of Rampage Rex manages to do. I encountered this charmingly minimalist game at PAX East, and am eagerly awaiting its full release so that I can play it at home with my daughter.

Kaet Must Die PAX Hands-On Preview

Have you ever felt like the world was against you? Well, in Kaet Must Die by Strength in Numbers Game Studios, it definitely is. There is not a being alive that does not want you dead. It is your job as the player, to survive long enough to uncover the shrouded mysteries, and solve the various puzzles. This is no easy feat, however.

NITE Team 4 PAX East Preview

Perhaps the most unique game I had the chance to check out at this year’s PAX East was NITE Team 4, a story-based hacking game from independent developer Alice & Smith. An offshoot from their persistent world ARG The Black Watchmen, NITE Team 4, focuses on electronic surveillance, information gathering, and target penetration. In other words, players become hackers, going after targets b...[Read More]

Dungeon Stars PAX Preview

One of the other games that caught my eye at PAX East was Dungeon Stars, a new Roguelite (or is that Roguelike-like?) from indie developer and publisher Furnace Games and Riposte Games & Co.

Trailmakers PAX East Preview

When we last covered Trailmakers here on Marooners’ Rock, it was for the game’s initial rollout on Steam Early Access. With its subsequent inclusion in the Indie Megabooth’s 100 games at PAX East, I was able to get some hands-on time with the game and chat for a few minutes with a couple of the developers from Flashbulb Games.

Destination Primus Vita PAX Preview and Writer’s Choice Award Winner

A little bit of Myst, a dash of System Shock, a slice of life in cryosleep on the USCSS Nostromo, and a hearty helping of The Expanse. That’s how I would describe Destination Primus Vita, the science fiction first-person mystery series being developed by Epsilon Games.

Double Kick Heroes PAX East Preview

If Guitar Hero spawned a side-scrolling arcade shooter about killing zombies with sick guitar riffs, the result would probably come out similarly to Double Kick Heroes, only with guitars instead of drums. However, since killing zombie hordes with machine guns powered by drums is an awesome idea, and crafting a new heavy metal soundtrack to play those drums to is an even more awesome idea, PC gamer...[Read More]

Ion Maiden – PAX East Preview and Writer’s Choice Winner

“What if Quake and the last twenty years of FPS evolution never happened, and we were still making games the same way we made Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior back in the Nineties?” was the question that one of the guys at the 3D Realms booth said drove the development of Ion Maiden. Much more than another retro-inspired FPS, Ion Maiden comes from a legendary studio and resurrects an equally legen...[Read More]

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