Streets of Rage 4

Streets of Rage 4 – A PAX South Hands-On

How do you resurrect a classic game series that’s been dormant for over twenty years? For some, the answer is a gritty reboot, and a new title that bears little resemblance to the source material save for the name. For others, it’s to craft a flawless recreation of the original. Developers Guard Crush Games and Lizardcube have chosen a middle path with their upcoming Streets of Rage 4 title, tryin...[Read More]

Dot Emu at PAX, Streets or Rage 4 and Wind Jammers 2

During my time at PAX West 2019, it was full of excitement, games, and so much more. While it was quite a busy time of seeing indie games and more. I got to head over to the Dot Emu booth to check out some titles that really caught my eye. As you can guess already by the title, those games were Streets of Rage 4 as well as Windjammers 2.

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