
Smallville Season 10 – Patriot – Review

This week, superheroes are having to deal with the government cracking down, and a familiar fellow hero shows up to help.

Review – Smallville Season 10 – “Abandoned”

Pro tip: Granny Goodness isn't as nice as her name implies.

DC Universe Online – Hands-on Impressions

Have I mentioned that I attended a press event at the DC Universe Online studio last week in Austin, TX? Well, I did, and part of that press event included almost two hours of hands-on game time on both PC and PS3. Jealous, much? Well, you should be. Long story short (if it’s not too late for that), the game is fantastic, and I can’t wait for the official release.

Comic Book Deaths And The Stupidity That Is Killing Super Hero Comics

You may have heard that Marvel is going to kill Spider-Man. Except that they aren’t. We know that by now, right? Its all a sham, a way to boost sales. Things will return to the status quo eventually, everybody will have a good laugh and they’ll forget all about it. So why do they keep doing things like this? And why do we keep buying them?

Review – Smallville Season 10 Episode 6 – Harvest

The dynamics between Lois and Clark will never be the same, and the plot hole of a missing villain starts getting filled in earnest.

Review – Smallville Season 10: Isis

Ancient Egyptian Goddesses possessing people? Just another Friday in Metropolis. Who's ready for the weekend?

Review – Smallville Season 10: Homecoming

A trip down memory lane and a look to the future serve to form a memorable episode with some sentimental moments.

Review – Smallville Season 10: Supergirl

Supergirl makes her return appearance to help keep our emo-fied 'Blur' out of danger's way.

The Pros And Cons Of Zack Snyder

We now know who is going to be directing Superman. Zack Snyder, the visual mastermind behind 300 and Watchmen is going to bring the last son of Krypton to the big screen. So, is this super news or will this prove to be Superman’s cinematic Kryptonite?

Zack Snyder To Direct Nolan’s Superman

Deadline is saying that the director for the new Superman movie has been chosen.

Review – Smallville Season 10: Shield

Smallville's second episode of Season 10 is, thankfully, injected with more of what has kept the show interesting for this long and further sets up the events that will see us to the end of its story.

Review – Smallville Season 10: Lazarus

And now...The Final Season of Smallville. But how is it shaping up based on the 10th Season's opener?

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