I’m generally not a fan of XBLA shooters. I’m generally even less a fan of XBLA shooters that poorly attempt to emulate the gameplay or design of full price retail release shooters. With those particular prejudices (hurr-hurr, see what I did there?) already in place, it would seem that I would be an odd fit to review Section 8: Prejudice, a first-person shooter based on a full price re...[Read More]
When I first heard of Swarm, I figured it would simply be a twist on classic Lemmings gameplay. I kept that in the back of my mind all the way until I played the first level of the game, at which point I realized that Swarm is the closest thing to an antithesis to Lemmings as anything could possibly be. I loved Lemmings, but I think Swarm has taken the gold medal away for sheer unexpected brutalit...[Read More]