
Langrisser I & II (PS4) Review

There wasn’t a spiky-haired protagonist to be found. At a time when most JRPGs relied on small parties battling other groups, and combat was often more of a distraction than a key point, Langrisser (originally released in North America as Warsong in 1991) took a different approach, telling its big world story through combat encounters, rather than around them. Since then, the rest of the series ha...[Read More]

Netflix Turned Me into a Dark Crystal Fan

Being a child during the 90s, there was a lot of cult-classic 80s films that I missed out on, though my mother owned a ton of classics on VHS that I would pour through. While I was more interested in Power Rangers, Jurassic Park, and my NES, I never was exposed to the Dark Crystal. The few ads I saw for the film at the start of a few of my tapes all kind of creeped me out as I was a sensitive kid ...[Read More]

Review: Knights in the Nightmare (PSP)

Atlus has a habit of trying something different, and Knights in the Nightmare is no exception!

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