teaser trailer

The Arrival of Five Nights at Freddy’s Teaser Trailer Raises More Questions Than Answers

Be ready for Freddy. The first teaser trailer for Five Nights at Freddy’s was just unveiled on Youtube. The 49-second teaser is brief but does hint at what to expect in this first theatrical adaptation. More than ten years since it first debuted on PC, the Five Nights at Freddy’s franchise takes a stab at theatrical R-Rated horror for the very first time and the teaser looks incredibly...[Read More]

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 Teaser Trailer

I find myself, against all odds and expectations, strangely excited for SEGA’s newly announced Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2. I remember speaking to one of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1’s producers at an event just before E3 2011 while previewing Sonic Generations and making a comparative commentary between Generations and Sonic 4. Specifically, that Sonic Generations actually felt...[Read More]

Ryu Hayabusa is Back!

Kicking off with what is sure to be a great GDC, Tecmo Koei released a teaser trailer for their upcoming game, Ninja Gaiden 3.

Teaser: Anarchy Reigns

As we discussed yesterday, Platinum Games, developer of 2010’s Bayonetta and Vanquish, is working on a fifth game in their four-game publishing contract with publisher SEGA. Anarchy Reigns will be a third-person multi-player brawler coming to PS3 and Xbox 360 in Autumn of 2011.

DarkSpore Teaser Trailer Released

It was only a couple of days ago that EA held their Studio Showcase, and it was on that day where DarkSpore was announced to the world.

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