It’s been a decade since the last Batman movie that wasn’t part of an attempt to fast-track a cinematic universe, and after years of production and one pandemic-spawned delay, Matt Reeves’ The Batman is finally upon us. Has Bat-mania returned with it? The Batman is arguably our most anticipated film since Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. Every casting announcement, every interview,...[Read More]
The third and hopefully final The Batman trailer has arrived online. The new iteration of the Dark Knight stars Robert Pattinson, Zoe Kravitz, Paul Dano, and Andy Serkis. You can watch the trailer entitled “The Bat and The Cat” down below. Fans get a much fuller picture of the Bruce and Selina dynamic, essentially building on what we have seen in previous trailers. Amid glimpses of a B...[Read More]
The new The Batman trailer has finally arrived! Starring Robert Pattinson as the titular character alongside Zoe Kravitz and Motion Capture veteran and Dawn of The Planet of the Apes star Andy Serkis as Alfred respectively, the latest chapter in the Dark Knights cinematic legacy is directed by Matt Reeves from a script by Reeves, Peter Craig and Project Power’s Mattson Tomlin. Check out the traile...[Read More]
Yup, it’s time again for another animation retrospective, and since it’s Batman Month, let’s do Batman’s modern animation history.
Yes! Oh Heck Yes!