The Last Guardian

Amazon Early September Gaming Deals

If you are a thrifty shopper then you are most likely looking forward to Black Friday later this year. Although many gamers may want to be good and behave, the temptation to buy something new and exciting. If you have been craving a new video game, there are a few options to choose from during this week’s Amazon early September deals.

Marooners’ Talk: Episode 023 – “Looking Forward”

The original idea for this episode of the Marooners’ Talk podcast was to really get into our anticipated titles for the rest of calendar year 2012. While we eventually got around to that, I believe our first 30-45 minutes focused on Internet providers, Doctor Who, used games, and various other topics. Come to think of it, the last 15 minutes kind of got off topic, too, so you’ve got ab...[Read More]

Give Me A PS3 (Ico & Shadow of the Colossus HD PS3 Remake)

I need a PS3.  If any of our wonderful readers would like to donate a brand new PS3, please send me an email and I’ll give you my shipping address.  Think of it this way, not only will you have done a good deed in selflessly making another individual very happy, you will also be able to see PS3 game reviews more frequently on World of Meh!  It’s win-win!

Ico And Shadow Of The Colossus Collection Confirmed

One of the worst kept secrets of current gaming finally gets confirmed. Team ICO is giving its games the PS3make treatment.

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