The Last of Us II

PAX East 2020 Game Franchises Announced

PAX East 2020 is two weeks away. In fact, our first day of PAX East is already starting to fill up with some exciting titles from developers big and small. At the moment, we are unable to disclose what our schedule looks like for PAX East; however, as the event draws closer we will give a sneak peek or hints as to what we will be covering. A few of our favorite developers will be at PAX East 2020 ...[Read More]

Sony Skipping E3 2020 is a Mistake

With the next generation of consoles just around the corner, you would think that Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo would be looking to get any advantage that they could. However recent news broke revealing that Sony will be skipping E3 2020. With Sony planning to skip E3 yet again, what companies will fill the void? Will their absence damage the release of the PlayStation 5? Let’s discuss why S...[Read More]

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