The Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds: Spacer’s Choice Review (Xbox)

Over the last decade and a half, RPGs, especially Bethesda RPGs have been a guilty pleasure of ours. Yes, I was known as the shooter reviewer for a variety of sites but when I wanted to unwind from competitive shooters, I chose RPGs to unwind. Despite Skyrim releasing in 2012, it was not my RPG of choice; in fact, I didn’t play it until 2020 during the covid lockdown. What was easily our go-...[Read More]

The Outer Worlds: Spacer’s Choice Edition Announced

When you think of remasters or enhanced editions what do you think of? Prior to yesterday’s announcement, the first three games that came to mind were Dead Space, Resident Evil 4, and The Witcher 3. The Witcher 3 enhancement is credited as a great enhancement to improve the overall game quality; meanwhile, the Dead Space remake did an excellent job capturing the essence of the original while...[Read More]

Peril on Gorgon – The Outer Worlds DLC (PS4) Review

Last year in the wake of the disappointing Fallout 76 release Obisidian came onto the scene with a promise to fill in the gap with their brand new IP, The Outer Worlds. As the makers of the highly celebrated Fallout: New Vegas this promise was believable. Upon release, I had the privilege of reviewing The Outer Worlds and came to the conclusion that they were mostly successful and I enjoyed my exp...[Read More]

The Outer Worlds Switch Release

A few months ago in October Obsidian revisited the first-person RPG genre that they earned praise for with Fallout: New Vegas. Their new IP allowed them to create new and exciting ideas and locations while expanding on some existing ideas. The writing was fun and the entire experience was an adventurous romp of vintage science fiction, down to the old school 50’s space guns and graphic desig...[Read More]

The Outer Worlds (PS4) Review

It’s hard to go into The Outer Worlds and not think about Fallout, especially since Obsidian boldly declared in their reveal trailer “creators of the original Fallout” and “developers of Fallout: New Vegas”. This reveal also had the benefit of coming in the wake of the poor reception of Fallout 76, which felt like a big departure from the series roots as a single player RPG experience. The story d...[Read More]

Twitch Plays The Outer Worlds

A few years ago now a phenomenon happened on Twitch that in some ways changed how we think about the platform, and video games in general. It simultaneously managed to answer the important question of could a room full of monkeys smacking away at a Gameboy beat Pokemon? Twitch Plays Pokemon spawned countless memes and created a sense of “I was there when” in those that watched and part...[Read More]

Obsidian Announces “The Outer Worlds” at VGAs

Every year a slew of new games are announced during the VGAs some are expected while others are not. Among those announced this year is The Outer Worlds. Obsidian, best known for their in-depth RPGs that include Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2, Neverwinter Nights 2, Pillars of Eternity, and as touted in the trailer below “From the Original Creators of Fallout” and “Develo...[Read More]

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