The Witcher

A New Witcher Announced by CD Projeckt Red

Today CD Projekt Red announced their next big project. Despite a rather disastrous launch of Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red will not give up. Don’t worry though Cyberpunk 2077 players, CD Projekt Red has stated that they are still using the REDengine to work on the Cyberpunk 2077 expansion. So why is this news so significant? The first big announcement is that a new Witcher game is currently...[Read More]

PlayStation Cyberpunk 2077 Trailers Shows Real Gameplay

Last week, we covered CD Projekt Red’s final in-depth look at Cyberpunk 2077. In Night City Wire episode 5, the world got a deeper look into Cyberpunk 2077‘s music, animation, backstory, and modifications. The trailer also revealed more about Johnny Silverhand and the steps it took to turn Keenu Reeves into a man out for revenge. This weekend, news broke that copies of Cyberpunk 2077 h...[Read More]

Twelve Days of Giftsmas – Gift Ideas For the Geeks

With just a few days left before Christmas, the Marooners’ Rock team would like to help anyone struggling with gift ideas for the geeky gamer in their life. While we’ve already done some specific suggestions for the simulator fans, we’re all about being inclusive. In that spirit, we’d like to present a few more gift ideas that nearly anyone can enjoy. And remember, just because it might not get th...[Read More]

New Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales Gameplay Trailer Released Today

With the PC launch of Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales less than a week away, CD PROJEKT RED is still hard at work building up the hype. Today they released their latest trailer, showcasing a taste of the gameplay that players can expect in this isometric RPG/card battle spinoff tale set in the Witcher universe.

Henry Cavill Has Been Cast To Star in the Netflix TV Adaptation of The Witcher

So it’s finally official. After a year of speculation and numerous lists titled, “Top 10 Actors Who Could Play Geralt,” it’s finally been revealed who take on the role of everyone’s monster slayer. Henry Cavill has just been announced to be the star of the Netflix TV adaptation of the Witcher series.

Gwent-Public Beta Launches for PC and Consoles

If you’re a fan of The Witcher, CD Projekt Red has launched the public beta for their highly anticipated card game Gwent.  The Gwent beta will be available for PC, PS4, and X-Box One.

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