THQ Nordic

THQ Nordic and Experiment 101 Release Biomutant Gameplay Trailer

Fresh from being shown off on PC Gamer’s Weekender show, THQ Nordic and Experiment 101 have released a nicely cinematic gameplay trailer of their upcoming open-world action RPG Biomutant. The trailer showcases a nice variety of the game’s Wushu inspired martial arts moves, as well as some of the unique augmentations players can give to their characters.

THQ Nordic Purchases Koch Media

Earlier today, THQ Nordic announced that they had purchased Koch Media for 121 million pounds and had acquired the rights to Metro, Dead Island, and Saints Row. Five years have passed since THQ closed its doors after filing for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy and its assets were liquidated. Since then, a majority of THQ franchises have had a sequel announced or one that is rumored to be currently in develop...[Read More]

BioMutant PAX West 2017 Hands-On

There were quite a few brand new IPs being presented at PAX West this year, but not many from the bigger studios. Most of them had new titles of their popular IPs, but THQ Nordic had something entirely new at their booth, Biomutant. While I was scheduling my appointments for PAX this trailer came up in my email. . .

New Trailer and Release Date Announced for ELEX

THQ Nordic and developer Piranha Bytes have announced that ELEX will be releasing for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 17th, 2017. In addition to the release date, they have released a new cinematic trailer and detailed what is in store for those who pre-order the Collector’s Edition version of the game.

Official Reveal Trailer for Darksiders III Revealed

Though the reveal was leaked this morning by an early Amazon Listing, THQ Nordic and Gunfire Games have now officially announced their upcoming title, Darksiders III. The next entry in the Darksiders franchise will, in fact, release sometime in 2018 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. The first details and trailer were revealed by IGN, as Darksiders III is their IGN First title for May. This entry will tak...[Read More]

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