It’s difficult for me to give Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning a fair shake right now. I’ve spent over 100 hours of the last 30 days running around the nearly unrestricted world of Skyrim, and it’s hard to transition from that kind of freedom and visual experience to the more visually Fablesque and linear style of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning without missing it. I loved Fable, I ad...[Read More]
20 years ago, Todd McFarlane, comic artist extraordinaire, was given an amazing opportunity: to not just draw, but write his own Spider-Man book. The comic, simply titled Spider-Man, was designed as a book to sell trade paperbacks. Back then, comics that filled a whole book with one storyline was a rarity. So the question is, does Torment, the debut story of the comic, hold up two decades afterwar...[Read More]