Tom Clancy

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier “Arctic Strike” DLC Announced

We’re less than two weeks away from the launch of Ubisoft’s highly anticipated team-shooter, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. The anticipation is palpable in this lead-up period. With the extended multiplayer beta coming to a close yesterday, we’re left with twitching fingers absent purpose for a few days more. In an attempt to appease the withdrawal symptoms of the masses, Ubisoft h...[Read More]

Marooners’ Talk: Episode 027 – “Thom Clancy Talks Ghost Recon”

If that episode title doesn’t grab your attention, then I don’t know what will. What’s that? I spelled his name wrong? No, we weren’t lucky enough to have Tom Clancy himself join in and discuss his creation. In “Thom Clancy Talks Ghost Recon,” the 27th episode of Marooners’ Talk, I, along with Thom Clancy, son of Tom Clancy, talk about our experiences with...[Read More]

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier – Multiplayer Beta Impressions

Let me start by saying this: Ghost Recon: Future Soldier’s multiplayer has come a long way since E3 last year, and it was already tight and fairly well balanced back then. This game is smooth, fun, addictive, and the most fun I’ve had with friends online in a very long time. Are there some issues with it? Yeah, it’s a beta. There’s some lag and I hate snipers (not because I can’t snipe…at al...[Read More]

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Multiplayer Beta Dated and Ghost Recon Network Announced

The term “two weeks” is very powerful. For Tom Hanks and Shelley Long in the 1986 classic The Money Pit, “two weeks” was the timeline for home completion…for months. Now, I’m going to say it. Two weeks. My “two weeks” has two meanings. First, it’s the time until April 19th, which marks the beginning of the Ghost Recon: Future Soldier multiplaye...[Read More]

Ghost Recon Assaults Facebook

It’s no secret that I am pretty damn excited for Ubisoft’s upcoming Tom Clancy shooter, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. When I got my hands on it at last year’s E3, I fell in love, and that feeling has not subsided; rather, it has grown as time has passed. Now, Ubisoft, via developer Loot Drop, is giving us Ghost Recon on Facebook, with Ghost Recon Commander. Normally, I wouldn̵...[Read More]

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Gets a PC Date and System Requirements

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier is easily one of my most anticipated titles for calendar year 2012. I loved my experience with it at E3 last year, and everything I’ve seen supporting it over the last few months has been absolutely spectacular. I’ll be playing on the Xbox 360, since I currently lack a PC capable of playing even the simplest of games, but with today’s announcement of G...[Read More]

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier – Guerilla Mode

Following the trend set by many shooters over the past few years, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier is incorporating a horde/firefight mode. Guerilla Mode, as it’s called in GRFS, was included to provide a more intense mode where the player would be able to feel overwhelmed, as if it were “four against an army.” On your own, split-screen, on a LAN, or online with your friends, you can ...[Read More]

Ghost Recon Online – Class Overview

Ubisoft is definitely looking to make 2012 the year of Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon. One of my more anticipated titles for this year, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, releases this May. Another anticipated title from last year’s E3, however, was Ghost Recon Online. A free-to-play, microtransaction supported online multiplayer PC game, Ghost Recon Online enters closed beta March 5th (you can si...[Read More]

Trailer: Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Gameplay

We had a great time at E3 back in 2011, and Ghost Recon: Future Soldier‘s multiplayer was part of the reason for it. The cooperative dynamic was absolutely fantastic, and remains one of the multiplayer experiences I look forward to most in 2012. Now, the first gameplay trailer for this great entry to the Ghost Recon franchise has made its way to us courtesy of the fine folks at Ubisoft.

Review: Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Trilogy HD (PSN)

Sam Fisher is pretty badass. This has been established over the years through his various adventures and exploits. From silently taking out elite forces to doing splits to support his entire body weight above the field of vision of said elite forces, Sam is the kind of guy you would want at your back if things got real. Now, his first three adventures return in a graphically updated HD triple pack...[Read More]

Tom Clancy’s Everything on Sale This Week on Xbox Live Marketplace

If you really, really have a hankering for realistic military action and squad-based shooting, I have very good news for you, so you should probably keep reading!

Ghost Recon for Wii and PSP

Yesterday Ubisoft announced the delay of Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. Today, they announce a new release for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon for Nintendo Wii and Ghost Recon Predator for PSP. So, let’s check out the game details!

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