The world of independent game development has blossomed into a plethora of varied experiences, showing off levels of quality that rival studios with much bigger budgets and more people working for them. This is mainly in part to vastly superior distribution methods, with a lot of credit going to Steam and programs that support indies like the Xbox Live Arcade. We’ve seen games made in the si...[Read More]
Alright, so many people around the world are infatuated with Nintendo’s secret project that was finally revealed to be the console/portable hybrid it was rumored to be. Yes, the Nintendo Switch, at least judging by the trailer, looks like it could change how high quality gaming is treated. This capability to play a high definition game on the go, and then dock it to the TV at home opens up a...[Read More]
Everyone has their own opinion about what video games are the best that have ever graced a console. What makes this top ten list different and totally unique is that my opinion is, in fact, the correct opinion, whereas the opinions of the past are incorrect and undeniably inferior. Actually, to call it my “opinion” is in itself misleading, as it is no mere opinion, but solid, irrefutab...[Read More]