Trials HD

Review: Trials Evolution (XBLA)

I started playing Trials Evolution Tuesday afternoon, and I knew that I was going to have problems. Immediately, I became intently focused on the track leaderboards. I saw names…I saw targets. Success! I topped the leaderboard for Oil Crisis and sent a celebratory tweet to those hapless fools that had been humbled and shamed by my incredible skill and deft control. Twenty minutes later, my t...[Read More]

Trailer: Trials Evolution

One of the best examples of quality in a downloadable game is Trials HD. The physics gameplay is fantastic, giving your motorbike a great feeling of weight, while the controls allow you to control that weight masterfully. As you spin your way through the perilous obstacle courses, you get a feeling reminiscent of your first time playing a classic like Excitebike. Now, Trials Evolution is going to ...[Read More]

Xbox Live’s Black Friday Sale

“Black Friday” and “sale” are almost on the brink of being redundant, so let’s ignore that and focus on the awesome idea of getting video games for less!

Congrats RedLynx & Trials HD

Trials HD, an Xbox Live Arcade game by RedLynx has reached a level not many XBLA games have been able to reach! Let’s celebrate their hard work…

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