Futurama Episode Review – “Lethal Inspection”

The new season of Futurama has dealt with a lot of speed bumps, whether it was rusty character relationships, outdated culture references, or a feeling that the show jumped the shark. Personally, I was beginning to wonder if I only liked these new episodes just because it was new Futurama. Then “Lethal Inspection” aired and all my troubles were put to rest.

Huggies Jeans…Diapers?

Lately I’ve been watching television, which is rare since I mostly spend my time either playing video games or on the computer. One commercial in particular has caught my eye, and as I type this, it’s on TV. No lie. httpv:// Huggies diapers, that look like jeans. Why? Fortunately they are limited edition, because I think these are just horrid. There i...[Read More]

What We’ve Been Watching

Since we haven’t done a MehCast in ages, in which we would normally go over something like this, I figured a post wouldn’t hurt. We’ve been watching some pretty awesome shows lately, and maybe you all might be interested in them. A show we’ve been binging on for the past week is Nip/Tuck, which originally aired on FX. Starring Julian McMahon and Dylan Walsh as two plastic s...[Read More]

Star Wars Adidas Commercial

I remember months ago reading about the new Star Wars line that Adidas was coming out with. They had shoes, shirts, hoodies, and a few other things that I can’t remember, but from what I saw, I liked it. On June 4th they released the, what I think is the first, commercial for the line. It makes perfect sense seeing that the World Cup 2010 is just a few days away. Since I wasn’t paying ...[Read More]

No More Heroes

On Friday, May 14th,  it was announced that the bastards at NBC pulled the plug on Heroes. NBC has been doing a lot of stupid things lately (don’t even get me started on the whole Conan bit…) so I suppose we can add this to their long list of fuck-ups.

The Big Bang Theory

We recently got our hands on the first season of The Big Bang Theory.  We had seen a couple of episodes previously, but no more than a smattering.  We have heard really good things about the series, and decided to give it a full shot. This show is brilliant.  It’s hilarious, intelligent, and all around awesome.  We definitely recommend it if you find nerd and geek humor at all interesting. C...[Read More]

Smallville: No Experience Needed

Anyone who has watched the MehCast on a regular basis will know that I have nothing but contempt for the TV series “Smallville”.  I think the entire series is an affront to the Superman mythos, and an embarrassment to his name.  Lindsey, however, loves the series.  This has lead to regular conflicts between us on this subject.  Since the physical proof of the TV show itself is apparent...[Read More]

Subtle Advertising

Last night, Lindsey and I saw a very interesting Schick razor commercial for women.  I won’t do it the disservice of attempting to describe it with my paltry vocabulary.  Here it is in all of its glory: youtube::WAk77Kr_OwQ:: Brilliant.  Absolutely brilliant. -Because I said so

Fish sticks?

Most people have heard about the recent South Park episode that makes fun of Kanye West’s ego by means of a childish joke.  We watched it via (Where the creators have put up every South Park episode for free viewing) a few days ago, and enjoyed it a great deal.  Kanye West’s ego was heavily put in check.  He was the only person in the world who didnR...[Read More]

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