
Maynard James Keenan performing at Activision Event

So, I was deeply saddened the other night when on Twitter I saw that Maynard James Keenan (TOOL, A Perfect Circle, Puscifer) was performing at the Activision E3 event, for what I can only assume was to help promote Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock. If you are unfamiliar with my love for Maynard, please read this post. What really made it worse was when I heard he was performing Queen’s ‘B...[Read More]

Writers Wanted

Currently, World of Meh! is handled by both myself and Chris. With Chris working full-time, 6 days a week, and me only being able to think up of so much to write about, we are looking for a few bright, snarky, and geeky individuals to join us. I should probably state that it’s a voluntary position meaning there is no financial compensation involved. World of Meh! is a labor of love, and to d...[Read More]

Twitter Trending Topic – Eclipse Soundtrack

Have you ever witnessed a moment in time that has been so profound that it went on to define your entire life?  I have just experienced such a moment.  Brace yourselves, people, because this is a big one: The Twlight Eclipse Soundtrack is available to preview in its entirety, today only, for FREE!  HOLY FUCK! At approximately 10:00 am today, the official Twilight Twitter account tweeted the heart-...[Read More]

No More Heroes

On Friday, May 14th,  it was announced that the bastards at NBC pulled the plug on Heroes. NBC has been doing a lot of stupid things lately (don’t even get me started on the whole Conan bit…) so I suppose we can add this to their long list of fuck-ups.

Twitter Messes Up Again (Shocker!)

For the past couple of days, Twitter has been…unreliable. Sure we’ve had problems with Twitter in the past, and feel like the Fail Whale is a part of the family, but it’s getting to be a bit too much. Last night the dreaded Fail Whale started making multiple appearances on peoples screens, when trying to tweet error messages were popping up claiming server and internal errors, an...[Read More]

Official World of Meh Twitter Account Created!

So I caved, and created a separate Twitter account for WoM. Why? Because it’s easier that way. I have it linked up so that all of the Facebook Fan Page posts get automatically posted there, and I have it so that all blog posts are created into a Tweet. It will make it a lot easier, and I like the idea of having it separate from my Twitter Feed. If you are on Twitter, please be sure to follow...[Read More]

SEGA Free Stuff Friday

If you follow SEGA on Twitter, then you are likely aware of their weekly Free Stuff Friday giveaways.  I’ve been a fan of SEGA since I was a kid.  I have fond memories of my Genesis and my Dreamcast, and, to be fair, not so fond memories of the Saturn and SegaCD.  My Genesis will always have a special place in my heart, however, so no matter what they do to hurt me, I always return to SEGA i...[Read More]

Jo Koy Show

A couple of weeks ago, there was a large Twitter event at the Fresno Zoo, called Wild Fresno. The entire zoo was closed to the public, and only open for local Tweeters. At this event, the Fresno Beehive organized a Twitter based scavenger hunt, with prizes for those who completed it. I won a t-shirt and Lindsey won baseball tickets. With these prizes, we got to go to the Jo Koy show Saturday night...[Read More]

So long, and thanks for all the fish…

The end comes for us all, and unfortunately, it seems that the end has come for the World of Meh.  To be fair, the end has been here for quite some time, sipping on tea in the lounge, waiting only for a formal introduction.  Well, ladies and gentlemen (all none of you, at this point), allow me the honor and privilege of introducing our dear friend, The End! This will, most likely, be the last post...[Read More]

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Review

Tonight, Lindsey and I were treated to an advance screening of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.  Details of our good fortune can be found here.  We sat to watch the film with many of our Twitter friends, such as @leftybrown and @mrsleftybrown, @ChrisHangsleben and @KarmaKaze7, @DanielDanger, and more!  Before the film began, however, came a series of trivia questions from @mikeoz of the Fre...[Read More]

Twilight vs. Harry Potter

Browsing around on Youtube, I came across this video that made me laugh so damn hard. It’s from RecklessTortuga, a sketch comedy group from Los Angeles. If you are a fan of either Twilight (gag) or Harry Potter (yay!), be sure to watch this video (it also pretty much solidifies my reasons for NOT wanting to watch Twilight). youtube::0Dtjo2Zt88s&feature=PlayList&p=CCBCC8131F12257B&...[Read More]

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