Soon, Call of Duty fans will have to make room on their shelf alongside their night-vision goggles from COD: MW2. As many have predicted, Call of Duty: Black Ops will be available in both a hardened and a prestige edition. No surprise there. The surprise is what each will come with!
A while back, I heard that Valve hired Defense of the Ancients (DotA) developer Icefrog into their team. With Heroes of Newerth and League of Legends in development, the former being a DotA clone and the latter a DotA revisualization by original members, a Valve version didn’t seem to cross my mind. I mean, they should be working on Half Life 2: Episode 3, am I right? Anyhoo, since Valve is...[Read More]
I had heard of Scott Pilgrim before, but had never taken the time to read the books (so kindly reviewed by Eddy). After seeing an advance screening of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World last night thanks to our friends Chris and Kelly, and new friends Loren and Lauren, I plan on rectifying that mistake shortly. I had mixed expectations for this movie going in; On the positive side you have Edgar Wright...[Read More]
We haven’t talked about Borderlands much on World of Meh. To be perfectly honest, I can’t recall it ever being mentioned at all. This is not because we didn’t play the game, or because we played the game and simply did not like it. On the contrary, we quite enjoyed the game. Our lazy asses just never wrote anything about it. That changes now!
If you’re a fan of Ico, then you most certainly want to pick up a copy of Lost in Shadow when it comes out for the Nintendo Wii. With an estimated release for fall, I seriously cannot wait for this game.
Gearing up gamescom and PAX, NCsoft has released the most recent video for their upcoming fantasy MMO, Guild Wars 2. Give the title ‘Manifesto,’ it’s meant to reference a previous post by Mike O’Brien, President of ArenaNet.
Today, BioWare returns to form with another great DLC installment for Dragon Age: Origins. Last month it was announced that Golems of Amgarrak would be released, and having just played through it right now, I can honestly say it’s one of their better ones.
Hot off the heels of the smash hit Midnight Mysteries: Edgar Allan Poe Conspiracy, MumboJumbo Games has released Midnight Mysteries: Salem Witch Trials for the iPad. Revolving around the mysterious death of writer Nathaniel Hawthorne, of The Scarlet Letter fame, the player must travel back in time to the 17th century and the actual Salem Witch Trials to figure out the true cause of his death while...[Read More]
Currently available through the iTunes App Store world-wide (except for Brazil) is Fly GaGa, the latest app from GameKiss. Based in Korea, GameKiss is better known for their MMO games, Valkyrie Sky and GhostX, along with rhythm game, Angry Honey.
It should be fairly clear that, around here, we love collector’s editions. This should be nothing new to you, unless we are entirely new to you, in which case, allow me to state unequivocally that we do, in fact, love collector’s editions. Now that you’re up to speed, there’s another collector’s edition coming out soon that has caught my eye.
Today MumboJumbo Games announced that the fourth installment to their popular Samantha Swift series is available for PC gamers. A mixture of brain-puzzles and hidden object gameplay, Samantha Swift is available for download exclusively through for the next 30 days. iPad owners can rejoice in knowing that next month, there will be a version for them too.
For years I’ve been a Sonic fan. It all started when I just had to get a Sega Genesis to play the original Sonic the Hedgehog. Then when Sonic 2 game out, I had to get that as well. Unfortunately, for some franchises there are bumps in the road, and sometimes that leads to our childhood memories becoming tarnished.