Today, EA Sports announced that there will be two main game modes in FIFA 11 Wii. One will be the traditional 11 vs. 11 style, but the big surprise was the addition of a street-style mode.
With our One Love for Chi Blogathon Fundraiser coming up this Saturday, the prizes are still rolling on in. Our friends at EA have donated an awesome The Sims 3 prize package, and I think you’re all going to like it.
Coming out on August 9th, Wii owners can download Enjoy Your Massage! from WiiWare. Developed and published by Microforum Ltd., Enjoy Your Massage! will be a massage simulator puzzle game.
DC Universe Online, an MMO slated for a November 2010 release on PC and PS3, is shaping up to be pretty amazing. Boasting an impressive amount of well-known DC heroes and villains, fans of the game will be excited from the recent trailer released at San Diego Comic-Con.
During the recent San Diego Comic-Con, fans waiting for the upcoming Marvel vs. Capcom 3 game were given new character reveals, trailers, gameplay footage, and more.
Today, EA held their Studio Showcase conference. Kicking things off was EA’s Head of the Play label, Rod Humble, to talk about new things for The Sims 3, and the future.
Slightly strapped for cash, but are looking to add to your game collection? Check out these great deals! All specials are good starting today until Saturday, July 24th, unless otherwise specified. All specials are available both online and in-store.
Thanks to our friends at Mumbo Jumbo Games, we now have more goodies to give away during our One Love for Chi/Blogathon raffle coming up on the 31st! If you own a PSP, you should be getting excited. Not only has Mumbo Jumbo donated three great PSP games, but they have given us three copies of each!
Xboxers knew these were coming for awhile, and now they are here! Fans of the Street Fighter series can now dress up their Xbox Live avatars like some of their favorite characters.
Lindsey and I both love trivia shows; They’re an opportunity for us to show off just how much useless bullshit we store in our heads (a lot). When we saw that Xbox Live had an online interactive trivia show in the form of 1 vs. 100 (based on the TV trivia show of the same name), who were we to say no? We jumped in to the first season of 1 vs 100 a little late, due to when we got Xbox Live,...[Read More]
Back when Chris and I went to rent LEGO Harry Potter, the guy at Blockbuster told us about some used games he had behind the counter. All were for Xbox 360, and the prices were fantastic! The games, which were all $6.99, came in a generic semi-frosted clear case, but no box art, and no booklet. At first, it seemed like all titles were various sports games, but then Assassins Creed II and Star Wars...[Read More]