video games

Konami’s E3 Press Conference Details

In their live conference yesterday, Konami started off their presentation with video showing a vault and you heard a voice entering the, now classic, Konami code before going into reel of their upcoming games. Shinji Hirano, President of Konami, introduced himself and welcomed everybody. Hirano-san says that this year, Konami has strong line-up which consists of Konami original IP such as Metal Ge...[Read More]

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II

Earlier this month I talked about the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Collector’s Edition.  Lindsey and I both played Star Wars: The Force Unleashed on PS2 way back in 2008, and while we both enjoyed it, we both thought it was too short, among other small complaints.  Overall, however, it was a great Star Wars game.  With Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, many of those complaints...[Read More]

Nintendo E3 Press Conference News & Details

The Nintendo E3 Press Conference may be over, but that doesn’t mean the excitement has waned. From the get go, Nintendo blew us away. Reggie Fils-Amie came out to debut a new Zelda game, Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, and it got fans really excited. We were originally led to believe that a man named Bill would be the one doing the live demo, since Shigeru Miyamoto, a mad genius, seemed like...[Read More]

Maynard James Keenan performing at Activision Event

So, I was deeply saddened the other night when on Twitter I saw that Maynard James Keenan (TOOL, A Perfect Circle, Puscifer) was performing at the Activision E3 event, for what I can only assume was to help promote Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock. If you are unfamiliar with my love for Maynard, please read this post. What really made it worse was when I heard he was performing Queen’s ‘B...[Read More]

Civilization V

I love Civilization.  No, not human civilization.  Human beings are assholes.  I’m talking about the series of games from Sid Meier’s.  I remember playing Civilization a bit, being completely engrossed in Civilization II and Civilization III, not having the time to truly immerse myself in Civilization IV, and cracking the fuck out on Civilization: Revolution.  Civilization V comes out ...[Read More]

Nintendo 3DS Unveiled

Just a few hours ago, Nintendo unveiled the next addition to it’s handheld family, the 3DS. Global President for Nintendo, Satoru Iwata, presented the handheld, and gave us some really great information. The premiere of the device was a big deal. A lit up column rose from the ground, and atop of it was the 3DS. Unlike other 3D technology out there, the 3DS doesn’t require you to wear a...[Read More]

Kevin Butler owns Sony’s E3 Conference

The Sony E3 Press Conference might have finished a few minutes ago, and the internet is buzzing about Kevin Butler. Butler, who is a fictional Sony VP portrayed by an actor, came on and owned the entire thing. From trash taking about Microsoft and the Cirque du Soleil event they had for Kinect, to pumping the crowd up on how awesome it is to be a gamer. Check out this awesome video showing his spe...[Read More]

New Mortal Kombat Game Trailer

Toasty! Not even a few days ago, I was getting depressed about the direction Mortal Kombat was going. Now, it’s turned right back around and traveling on the street of Awesomeness! Being a longtime fan, it’s so fucking exciting to see that the game is going back to its roots. They brought back the fatalities, all of the characters look awesome, they kept Mileena rockin’ the sexy ...[Read More]

Writers Wanted

Currently, World of Meh! is handled by both myself and Chris. With Chris working full-time, 6 days a week, and me only being able to think up of so much to write about, we are looking for a few bright, snarky, and geeky individuals to join us. I should probably state that it’s a voluntary position meaning there is no financial compensation involved. World of Meh! is a labor of love, and to d...[Read More]

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Collector’s Edition

A few weeks ago, I gushed over the upcoming collector’s edition of Fable III.  The packaging is wonderful, the bonus items are relevant, entertaining, and a great way to connect the physical world with the game world.  I wouldn’t say no to more things being thrown in, but I also wouldn’t say no to dropping $79.99 on it either.  News has hit today of another big collector’s ...[Read More]

Mortal Kombat Rebirth

Oh God…. where do I begin? It was only a month ago where gamers were gifted two fan made Street Fighter films, that were surprisingly good, but I don’t know what to make of this. Mortal Kombat is a game that is very dear to my heart. As a little girl I had a crush on Shang Tsung in MK II, and I used to go to the local arcade daily during the summer time to play it. When the old Mortal ...[Read More]

Lord of the Rings: Online is Being Set Free

I was never bit by the MMORPG bug in the way most people are.  I tried World of Warcraft for a month or two, but eventually got tired of paying a monthly subscription fee just to grind a character.  I only started World of Warcraft in the first place because there was a promotion for a free week of play, and I wanted to see what all the hubbub was about.  Since that time, I haven’t touched a...[Read More]

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