video games

Super Mario Galaxy Progress Update 6

The sixth progress update finds me just outside the Kitchen Observatory, where I have unlocked another special one-star galaxy called the Drip Drop Galaxy.  This galaxy is a water world with a pair of small safe islands for resting, if necessary.  In this world, you are told that holding a red or green shell while underwater dramatically increases your swimming speed.  In fact, it makes you outpac...[Read More]

Super Mario Galaxy Progress Update 5

We have arrived at the fifth progress update of my run through Super Mario Galaxy!  This one is rather shorter than the previous progress updates as I only went through a few stars due to other plans.  At the end of the fourth progress update, I had yet to fight Bowser in the Fountain Observatory galaxies.  Last night, I made that my first goal.  It was an interesting battle, but didn’t cont...[Read More]

Super Mario Galaxy Progress Update 4

Shortly after we wrapped up episode 15 of the MehCast, I fired up the Wii and got into a new set of Super Mario Galaxy adventures.  I mentioned the Prankster Comets in my third progress update, and I have some more details now due to experiencing two more last night.  I gained another star from the Terrace Observatory via the Good Egg Galaxy using a Speedy Comet, as well as completing the Fountain...[Read More]

Super Mario Galaxy Progress Update 3

In my third progress update, we continue on our path of conquering the Fountain Observatory galaxies, having completely conquered the Terrace Observatory galaxies by the second progress update.  Currently, I stand at 17 stars and over 1,000 star bits.  I have completed the Space Junk galaxy, and when next I play, I will be challenging the Battlerock galaxy.  I beat the special Rolling Green galaxy...[Read More]

Super Mario Galaxy Progress Update 2

Last night, in between watching the Food Network, Scrubs, DVR’d episodes of WCG Ultimate Gamer, and the season premiere of Dinner: Impossible, I found time to squeeze in some more Super Mario Galaxy.  I’ve completed the first set of Galaxies completely (both of the full three-star galaxies, all three special one-star galaxies, and the Bowser, Jr. boss galaxy), and have started in on th...[Read More]

WCG Ultimate Gamer

Lindsey and I were up very late a few nights ago, and we noticed something on the Sci-Fi channel called “WCG Ultimate Gamer”.  Both of us being avid gamers, this piqued our curiosity, and we switched over.  What we saw was a re-run of the first episode of WCG Ultimate Gamer, a “reality” competition show with video game challenges.  It’s a very interesting show, and th...[Read More]

Boom Blox (Wii)

Over a month ago, Chris and Kelly ( were kind enough to lend us their copy of Boom Blox for the Nintendo Wii, claiming that it was a great game that we just had to try.  After letting it sit on the shelf for so long, we finally put it in and gave it a try yesterday afternoon.  We were very impressed with this game.  Neither one of us has played the single player gam...[Read More]

Super Mario Galaxy Progress Update 1

Today, for the first time in almost two months, I spent some time with Super Mario Galaxy on our Wii.  I had played through the first star back in February when we first got it, but put it aside for a very long time in favor of Animal Crossing, since it is such a relaxing game.  For some reason, though, Mario caught my eye this morning, and I decided to give it some love. Having spent more time pl...[Read More]

Year 1 Episode 14 Recap

Right before our show tonight Chris and I got instantly aggrivated courtesy of our dog, Donnie. Chris had taken him outside to use the restroom prior to the show and apparently Donnie thought it would be cool to go behind the couch and piss on the carpet. After putting Donnie in his kennel, and after trying my best to get it up and out of the carpet, we started the show. We discussed our wedding i...[Read More]

Warioware: Smooth Moves

Last week, my closest cousin (geographically and emotionally) and his wife purchased a Wii.  With this Wii, they purchased a game called Warioware: Smooth Moves.  Warioware: Smooth Moves is a party game that supports a ridiculously large number of local players, since it only uses one Wiimote passed between players.  The game consists of incredibly short mini-games that are part of an overall scor...[Read More]

No Zombie Love….

Lately I have been wanting to shoot, bludgeon, and destroy things in a video game but we don’t really have anything like that for our Wii. Over the weekend we checked out Target and Best Buy to browse through their selections but left disappointed. We knew when we purchased the Wii that it would be mostly kiddie games but the Game Cube was promoted for being family friendly as well and I had...[Read More]

Year 1 Episode 11 Recap

Episode 11 is done and gone!  We were worried at the start of the show because we had absolutely no viewers!  However, as we soldiered on, our awesome viewers started popping in. We had a short show, clocking in at well under two hours, which was actually kind of strange.  We had a full week to talk about, and a prepared list of show notes, but were only able to jibber-jabber for a little over an ...[Read More]

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