
E3 2011: Neverwinter

Sit right down and let me tell you a tale. This is a tale of prophecy, destiny, and fate. One week before our horrendously awful drive down to E3, which is a story for another time, we recorded a pre-E3 podcast with our good friends Chris and Kelly. Rather than making standard E3 predictions, however, we decided (at my prompting, I believe) to make wild predictions that had just the smallest chanc...[Read More]

E3 2011: Warlords

Thirty-one years. Warlords was released as an arcade cabinet by Atari thirty-one years ago. By contrast, I am only 28 years old. This game was, quite literally, before my time. Now, that’s not to say that I never experienced the cabinet. I spent many hours in arcades when I was but a wee lad, and Warlords, while not a regular favorite, got its fair share of time.

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