Wired Productions

Tin Hearts Review (PlayStation 5) – An Emotional Game With Heart

When it comes to video games, some can elicit a wide variety of emotions. Excitement and jubilation when completing an impossible challenge. Dispair or frustration when losing a competitive match. Wonder and curiosity when exploring a new world or finding something new in a world that you have explored before. Anger or disgust when something you’ve been working on doesn’t pay off, save...[Read More]

Tin Hearts Launches on Nintendo Switch First

When it comes to exclusives, what do you think of? Do you think of Final Fantasy releasing exclusively on PlayStation? What about Ghostwire Tokyo launching on PlayStation first? Rarely do we talk about games launching exclusively on Xbox or Nintendo first that aren’t first-party titles. Within recent years, Nintendo and Microsoft have worked closely sharing some titles with one another. Rare...[Read More]

Tin Hearts PAX East 2023 Preview

Last year, we met with Wired Productions to preview their upcoming games Arcade Paradise, The Last Worker, and my personal favorite, Tin Hearts. Since then, Arcade Paradise has been released to very positive reviews and The Last Worker has been released to mixed reviews. If you haven’t heard of either of these games, you should check them out. The Last Worker actually released last week on M...[Read More]

Demo Preview Tiny Troopers: Global OPS Pax EAST 2022

During Pax East 2022, there were so many games to check out. From fantasy Role-playing games to simulator games, I was on a mission to find something fast-paced with tons of explosions. I found my calling at the Wired Productions Booth, where I had the chance to check out an exclusive demo of an upcoming fast-paced Twin Shooter Game called Tiny Troopers: Global OPS developed by Epiphany Games. I w...[Read More]

Arcade Paradise Hands-on Preview PAX East 2022

When you think of a cute sim game, what do you think of? Most gamers will typically name off at least one Nintendo title in their top 10 cutest games list. Games such as Animal Crossing, or other titles such as Slime Rancher. These cute franchises have excelled due to cute characters but also addicting gameplay elements. Where some games thrive in one area, they fall short in others. Sadly, this i...[Read More]

Tin Hearts PAX East 2022 Preview

Hey Rockers. When you think of cute games, what do you think of? Most gamers will typically name off at least one Nintendo title in their top 10 cutest games list. Games such as Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Kirby, It Takes Two, Lego, Pikmin, Sonic, Little Big Planet, Yoshi, and Slime Rancher. So what do all these games have in common? Cute and potentially iconic characters but sometimes an emotional ...[Read More]

The Last Worker Hands-On Pax East 2022 Preview

During Pax East 2022, I was invited to get a look at an upcoming game that caught my interest well before the convention. The game was from the publishing team Wired Productions. The game, The Last Worker is being developed by Oiffy & Wolf and Wood. Before we dive into our preview and talk about the experience I went through playing the game, I have to say this is one Indie Game that I am look...[Read More]

Victor Vran, The Award Winning ARPG Coming To PS4 and Xbox One

Expected to release in early 2017, the isometric action RPG, Victor Vran, is finally coming to Playstation 4 and Xbox One. Independent game developer, Wired Productions announced they are partnering with the Bulgarian developer Haemimont Games AD to bring Victor Vran to consoles.

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