Today, in a press release from Capcom, gamers across the world were given the news they’ve been desperately waiting to hear: the official release date for Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
Deadpool is one of my favorite characters in comics. When he’s written by someone who knows how to write him, Deadpool is the most entertaining super-whatever you will ever encounter. His never-shuts-up personality puts Spider-Man to shame, and the fourth wall is just a formality to him. From performing a Shoryuken on Kitty Pryde in order to piss off Wolverine, to acknowledging thought boxes...[Read More]
About an hour ago I tweeted about a video so hilarious, it made me cry. Because I love you all so much, I feel that I should share this video.
Personally, I’m not particularly excited about either of these characters appearing in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, but hey, maybe one of you guys happens to be shit-your-pants excited about it. Tron Bonne was an antagonist in a Mega Man game who developed feelings for Mega Man (or some such crap), and X-23 is a female clone of Wolverine (this makes how many clones/derivatives of Wolverine now?).
Oliver Platt, Rose Byrne and Jason Flemyng are enrolling in First Class along with the other 1.2 billion people cast so far.
We rented X-Men Origins: Wolverine over a week ago, but since I work, and we had a busy weekend, it’s taken me the full week to finally complete the game. Now, on to the review! I’ll start with the complaints. Primarily, the game was short. At least, shorter than I would have liked. However, when you really think about it, that seems to be the case for all games that I enjoy a grea...[Read More]
On Wednesday evening, once Lindsey had finished her runthrough of Overlord II on our Xbox 360 (she should have a review up today), we headed to Blockbuster to trade it in for X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I played the demo not so long ago, and fell in love with the graphics, the gameplay, and the way Wolverine’s abilities were depicted. I started the game and was not disappointed. Since I have...[Read More]
Over the weekend, we downloaded the Wolverine: Origins demo on our Xbox 360. I am generally hesitant of movie adaptations, but Lindsey had seen some gameplay footage, and I had read a great deal about the game, so we felt it would be a fun, free demo. I gave it a shot on Sunday night, and was immediately impressed by the graphics. The introductory FMV does a good job of introducing the characte...[Read More]