WW1 Isonzo PAX East 2022 Preview

When it comes to World War 1, not many games capture the essence of the time period. Typically, most people alive today focus more on World War II rather than World War 1. This is partially due to the horrendous acts seen in WW2 that we are sadly seeing repeated today. Acts such as genocide, an increase in the wage gap, human rights violations, and war crimes are sadly reoccurring. But it is impor...[Read More]

We Were Here Forever PAX East 2022 Preview

During conventions, it is very rare for someone to play the same demo more than once at a convention. With so many games to see and panels to attend, each attendee’s time is precious; however, there are times when a demo stands out for one reason or another and you have to play it again. At PAX East, it is a luxury to be able to play a game’s demo without having to wait in a long line....[Read More]

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