Battlefield 1 In the Name of the Tsar Coming September 5

Remember back at E3 when EA announced their new expansion In the Name of the Tsar? Well there’s an official release date, and it’s September 5. At least that’s the day Battlefield 1 Revolution and Battlefield 1 Premium Pass owners can download and play the latest DLC. All other players will have to wait 2 extra weeks.

Ad Infinitum – Atmospheric Horror in the Trenches of WWI

The world of horror gaming has visited a ton of environments over the years. From the twisted asylum of Outlast to the claustrophobic house of Resident Evil 7, players have been spooked in a lot of different places. StrixLab are taking players to a unique place to crank up the scares with their new upcoming title Ad Infinitum. Can players escape the madness and the demons of the trenches and hell ...[Read More]

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