Review: Rock Band Blitz (XBLA)

I’ve spent the past week playing the upcoming Rock Band Blitz from Harmonix on Xbox Live, and let me tell you, I can not get enough of this game. I’ve easily spent upwards of 50+ hours of the last week on Rock Band Blitz alone. I’ve even given up temporarily on a few other games because my old college Rock Band addiction was starting to come back. Five years after Rock Band made ...[Read More]

Giveaway: Summer of Arcade Game Pack

WINNER ANNOUNCED: Congratulations to Shaw E. for winning the full set of 2012’s Summer of Arcade titles! An email has been sent to the associated email address. If no response is received by this time on Wednesday, a new winner will be selected (if no update on Wednesday, the prize has been claimed). Thanks for participating, and good luck in the future! This year’s XBLA Summer of Arca...[Read More]

Review: Dust: An Elysian Tail (XBLA)

Every year Microsoft runs the Dream Build Play contest, where game developers create or submit indie games they’ve been working on. What do they usually win? Money, and of course a contract to create an Xbox Live Arcade title. Maybe you remember a game called The Dishwasher: DeadSamurai, which was a previous winner of the contest. Many of the games that are listed within the indie section of...[Read More]

A World of Keflings Gets Avatar FameStar Update

It’s no secret that we’re unabashed fans of NinjaBee Games’ Keflings titles. We were lucky enough to have a chat with NinjaBee’s Andrew Hill (PR/Marketing) a couple of weeks ago about the upcoming update, DLC, and more. As of last Friday, the Avatar FameStar update for A World of Keflings is live and bringing a slew of new challenges and gameplay experiences to your Kefling...[Read More]

Review: The Expendables 2 (PSN)

Expendables 2, the game, approaches its existence the same way as its big screen namesake; loud, bloody, over the top, and with tongue firmly implanted in cheek. The formula is tried and true, and for films that manage to walk that line with the sheer confidence and joy of The Expendables, it can be great fun. Sadly, Ubisoft managed to only get part of the formula right, adding up to a game that t...[Read More]

Review: Hybrid (XBLA)

I have a varied history with shooters. I absolutely adored Rise of the Triad and Counter-Strike, and spent my fair share of time playing some of the other standards of the genre, but even so, I never once considered myself a real fan of the genre as a whole. Over the past few years, this has shifted somewhat, and I now find a shooter as one of my favorite games of this generation, much to my surpr...[Read More]

Review: Deadlight (XBLA)

For the past few days, I’ve been playing nothing but Deadlight, and I’ve definitely been enjoying myself a lot. Developed by Tequila Works and published by Microsoft Studios, Deadlight is the third title in this year’s XBLA Summer of Arcade promotion. There has been a major oversaturation of the zombie market over the past few years, but when a game does it right, the oversaturat...[Read More]

Review: Zuma’s Revenge (XBLA)

PopCap has a natural knack for developing games that make me lose track of time. Take this review, for example. I gave myself an hour to write the review for Zuma’s Revenge before recording a late night podcast, and decided to take a few minutes to capture some gameplay. Before I knew it, those few minutes had turned into over half an hour. Luckily our podcast started late. This is the stren...[Read More]

Giveaway: Wreckateer (XBLA)

WINNERS ANNOUNCED: Congratulations to Terry and Rob H. for winning XBLA codes for this week’s Summer of Arcade title, Wreckateer! Thanks for participating, and good luck in the future. Summer of Arcade started last week with Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD, and continues this week with Wreckateer, from Iron Galaxy Studios. A Kinect game, Wreckateer puts you behind a ballista with various typ...[Read More]

Review: Wreckateer (XBLA)

To be honest, I was less than enthused about Wreckateer in the lead-up to this year’s XBLA Summer of Arcade promotion. I hadn’t had the opportunity to play it hands-on anywhere, and it sounded like a rehash of Angry Birds with castles and goblins instead of birds and pigs. I hate Angry Birds. I seriously saw Angry Birds branded Cheese Nips at the grocery store last night, and they were...[Read More]

Review: Jeremy McGrath’s Offroad (XBLA)

I’ve been getting more and more into the racing genre lately, because it offers a fun way of spending time playing with friends. Hey, there’s nothing quite like being a douche and crashing into your friend just to throw him off of a perfect lap, right? Yes, I do play a bit dirty when it comes to racing, but in the end it’s all about the fun that you and your friends are having. R...[Read More]

Marooners’ Talk: Episode 037 – “The Original Flava”

SURPRISE BONUS EPISODE! As you may or may not know, Lindsey has been AFK as far as the site is concerned for the better part of the last year due to her job at BioWare. As you may or may not ALSO know, she is no longer bound by that restriction, so an impromptu podcast episode was recorded! Episode 037 of Marooners’ Talk, “The Original Flava,” is just Lindsey and myself, just lik...[Read More]

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