Double Dragon Neon Will Be Most Excellent

Slip on your legwarmers and Jellies, because Majesco Entertainment and WayForward are going to take you back…to the 80s! Double Dragon Neon, tentatively due this summer on XBLA and PSN, will not be a simple rehash or remake of classic Double Dragon. No, this will be a most excellent love letter to Double Dragon and the 80s as a whole, to the max. Step into the shoes of Billy and Jimmy Lee as...[Read More]

Harmonix Announces Rock Band Blitz

Yesterday, we saw a first look at the upcoming game from Harmonix, Rock Band Blitz. Due this summer on XBLA and PSN, Rock Band Blitz is an instrument-free rhythm game, similar to, oh I don’t know, Rock Band Unplugged on PSP, or Frequency and Amplitude on PlayStation 2 (both of which were also Harmonix titles). Full of power-ups, challenges, recommendations, and more, Rock Band Blitz brings o...[Read More]

Arcade Next Starting April 18th

First, there was Summer of Arcade. With the success of the Summer of Arcade promotion, Microsoft threw their first annual House Party. Now, it seems that a third event is being introduced with some big titles in the mix. Arcade Next, as it’s being called, kicks off April 18th and sees a new top notch title released each week through May 9th. What sets this event apart? It seems that this eve...[Read More]

Review: Sine Mora (XBLA)

Most of you have played at least one bullet hell shoot’em up. Maybe it was Ikaruga or Radiant Silvergun, or perhaps something like Metal Slug or Geometry Wars. “Bullet Hell” is one of the most appropriately coined terms any genre has ever received. Sine Mora, the latest title from Digital Reality, in collaboration with Grasshopper Studios, is another fine example of a bullet hell...[Read More]

Review: Defenders of Ardania (XBLA)

I remember quite enjoying a flash based web tower defense game years ago. I had played tower defense style games before, but none had really captured my attention or entertained me in the way Desktop Tower Defense did. Something about the design of the enemies, the open area for building mazes of damage, and the desktop background all clicked for me and gave me what remains to this day one of my f...[Read More]

Review: Shoot Many Robots (XBLA)

Do you hate robots as much as I do (no offense to our eventual robotic overlords, I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for your efficient and logical operations)? Do you love an incredibly diverse and face-humpingly (it’s a word now, deal with it) hilarious variety of weapons and equipment? Do you appreciate well designed shoot’em up mechanics? Do you get a gamegasm for...[Read More]

Review: I Am Alive (XBLA)

The world has suffered its greatest cataclysm in recorded history. Rendered nearly uninhabitable, ash, dust, and destruction have spread across the face of the planet, leaving humanity a mere shadow of its former self. As things slide further into ruin, the remnants of humanity slide with it, at times becoming territorial, violent, and feral. I Am Alive, the long awaited and long delayed title tha...[Read More]

Awesomenauts Split Screen Trailer

When a game has the word “awesome” in its title, like Awesomenauts does, it’s setting a very high expectation in its target audience. That’s like if I called myself “Chrawesome” instead of “Chris.” There would be a definite expectation of awesomeness whenever I happened to be around (which I must say, I totally live up to even without having “a...[Read More]

Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc HD – Power-Ups

The Rayman franchise has seen a recent rejuvenation of legendary proportions. Rayman Origins came out swinging on both the Xbox 360 and PS Vita, in my personal experience, as one of the best platformers I’ve ever played, and the best PS Vita game I’ve had the pleasure of getting my hands on. Tied to that wonderfully fantastic game is the upcoming HD release of a 3D Rayman classic, Raym...[Read More]

Shoot Many Robots – Customization

I have a great fondness for shooting robots. Two of my favorite shooter experiences, 2010’s Vanquish and the very recent Binary Domain, are both focused on dismantling robots by way of bullet hell. That’s part of why, even though it’s a very different format and style than both of the aforementioned games, I’m very excited for Shoot Many Robots. I like shooting robots. Shoo...[Read More]

Sine Mora is Dated and Trailered

I know, “Trailered” probably isn’t a word. What is a word, however, is “Shut up!” Okay, two words. This is all irrelevant, so get over it. What’s really important is that the steampunk shoot’em up from Digital Reality and Grasshopper Manufacture, Sine Mora, has been given a date, a new trailer, and a price. The date: March 21st. The price: 1200MSP. The pla...[Read More]

Jet Set Radio Coming to XBLA/PSN/PC

The Dreamcast was ahead of its time in both hardware and software. Many memorable and unforgettable experiences appeared on the Dreamcast and found homes on digital download platforms years after their original platform’s demise. Crazy Taxi, the Power Stone games, Resident Evil CODE: Veronica, Space Channel 5, Samba de Amigo, Virtua Tennis, and more have all found success following the Dream...[Read More]

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