I have made recent mention of my incredible lack of artistic talent. That has not changed in the short time between that mention and this reminder. This supercharged deficiency makes a game like Pictionary particularly frustrating for anyone unlucky enough to be paired with me, and particularly satisfying and entertaining for anyone lucky enough to be positioned against me. So what game do I decid...[Read More]
I have a lot of respect for good artists. It’s not easy to do what they do, and it takes either preternatural talent, or lots of training to do it. I’m a terrible artist. Even something as simple as a stick figure ends up looking like an attempt at drawing a straight line during an earthquake, tornado, volcanic eruption, and mimicking Dave Gahan in Depeche Mode’s video for Everyt...[Read More]
Since the Kinect was launched, developers started crawling out of the wood work and have started making “games” for this new tech. Dancing seems to be the most obvious and prevalent of these, but unless you are into kids songs or club thumping there was not a place for the dancer inside of you to escape. Then comes Grease: The Game. Besides the obvious tie in to the movies, this game was designed ...[Read More]
I’ve noticed an issue with reviewers using words like “beautiful” and “stunning” to describe anything ranging from the truly beautiful and stunning to the simply above average and well executed. I am far from innocent of this practice, but it’s a practice I’m trying to adjust and do away with. Why is this relevant? Overuse of a word like “beautiful...[Read More]
Not having owned a PlayStation 3 prior to June, there were a lot of PSN exclusives that were lost to me, much to my chagrin and disappointment. I remember when Joe Danger was first released, half a year before our PS3 came into our lives. I found myself desperately wishing that it would eventually become a multi-platform title, because it just looked like…fun. Well, children, sometimes wishe...[Read More]
There’s a great knock-knock joke that I like to tell every now and then. It goes a little something…like this: “Knock-knock. Who’s there? Banana. Banana who? Knock-knock…etc.” This continues until the teller decides to change it from “Banana” to “Orange,” and the punchline changes to “Orange you glad I didn’t say banana again?...[Read More]
Trivia style games have always appealed to me. As a registered member of MENSA with a genius-level IQ and a penchant for useless information, success in trivia comes naturally. As a movie lover, I have had the time and opportunity to build a strong foundation of trivial knowledge on the subject. As an individual with self-esteem issues, the thrill of shoving my superior intellect in the collective...[Read More]
When I first heard that a Voltron game was coming to XBLA, I was pretty excited. As a kid, it was one of the staple cartoons that I would watch. What’s not to love? Giant mechanical lions piloted by space heroes, an even more giant mechanical hero that the lions transform into, and ridiculous dialogue from even more ridiculous enemies; everything you could want in a classic, as the later Pow...[Read More]
WINNER ANNOUNCED: Fred H. has won the Xbox 360 copy of Assassin’s Creed Revelations! Thank you all for participating, and keep your eyes open for more contests! Moments ago, our review for this wonderful game went live. Assassin’s Creed Revelations brings the fascinating tales of Altaïr Ibn-La’Ahad and Ezio Auditore da Firenze to their conclusions, while developing the story of the Ass...[Read More]
I started playing Assassin’s Creed Revelations with the plan to spend a good 10-15 minutes once I arrived in Constantinople free running around, familiarizing myself with the city, and refamiliarizing myself with the mechanics so that I could be sure that I kept my motion fluid and that I knew where my escape routes were. George Takei’s signature “Oh Myyyyy…” suddenly...[Read More]