Xbox 360

Caption Contest: Batman: Arkham Asylum and Arkham City

WINNER ANNOUNCED: Robert Boyd has won the Batman: Arkham Asylum/Arkham City combo pack! Thank you all for participating, and keep your eyes open for more contests! Today marks the release of Batman: Arkham City, the highly anticipated sequel to what some consider the best superhero game of all time (not me, but some), Arkham Asylum. Are you looking forward to getting your hands on a copy of Arkham...[Read More]

Review: Dungeon Defenders (XBLA)

Etheria’s heroes have captured the Old Ones within Etheria Cores, preventing them from spreading their evil across the lands. With the kingdom at peace, the adventurers have set off to confront other dangers, leaving their younger siblings behind to guard the realm. Through unfortunate accident, the evil hordes become aware of the Etheria Cores and begin a merciless onslaught bent on freeing...[Read More]

Review: Guardian Heroes (XBLA)

Treasure is responsible for some of the greatest genre-defining [insert-type-here]’em-up games I have ever had the pleasure of playing. Radiant Silvergun was sublime. Ikaruga was a sweet, hellish nightmare…in a fantastic way. Before both of those classics became the classics they are, however, there was Guardian Heroes on the SEGA Saturn. Easily the most fun I had on a Saturn, and one ...[Read More]

Review: Space Channel 5 Part 2 (XBLA)

I have very fond memories of Ulala and her dancing heroic antics in the original Space Channel 5. I had never, however, played Space Channel 5 Part 2, which was originally exclusive to the Dreamcast in Japan, until it was re-released on the PlayStation 2. The sequel was generally regarded as superior to its predecessor in terms of graphics, gameplay, game length, and more, but its limited release ...[Read More]

Review: SEGA Bass Fishing (XBLA)

I’ve never been a big fan of fishing games. Part of that, I’m sure, is that I’ve never been a big fan of fishing in general. I find it to be extremely boring. Back in my Dreamcast days, SEGA Bass Fishing was a game I never gave any attention to, and it was definitely not one of the first that would come to mind if asked which classic Dreamcast games should be re-released on XBLA ...[Read More]

Review: MLB Bobblehead Battle (XBLA)

When I play sports games, baseball is definitely not one of my normal selection. I generally tend to pick up tennis or soccer before anything else. That being said, MLB Bobblehead Battle is a far cry from something like 2K Sports’ MLB 2K series. With a quirky bobblehead style, and gameplay reminiscent of an arcade game, MLB Bobblehead Battle, along with the other MLB Bobblehead entries from ...[Read More]

Review: Mercury Hg (XBLA)

Mercury Hg isn’t just a game that can be fun to play, it can be fun to hear as well. UTV Ignition Games brings together multiple elements to amplify your audiovisual experience. Now, you could say “Mercury H Gee” or just Mercury, as the game helpfully points out that Hg stands for mercury on the periodic table of elements.

Review: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (360)

There was a time when FIFA was not the first name that came to mind when you thought about the best game of digital football you could play. In this ancient time, years past, Pro Evolution Soccer, also known simply as PES, was renowned as the true aficionado’s game of choice for its focus on providing as true a football simulation as it could. Today, due to a lack of vigilance on Konami̵...[Read More]

Review: Dark Souls (360)

Typically, the difficulty level of a game isn’t used as its main selling point, yet the allure and excitement built around Dark Souls is built strictly on the vaunted difficulty. Billed as the spiritual successor to the extremely difficult PS3 exclusive Demon Souls, From Software decided to make the difficulty an even bigger element in Dark Souls.  Even the back of the box contains the warning “Pr...[Read More]

Review: Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X HD (XBLA)

When Resident Evil first came out, it introduced millions of gamers to the survival horror genre it solidified and defined. It also helped make zombies the oversaturated theme it is today. Well over a decade later, the franchise is still going strong with dozens of games across multiple gaming platforms. Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X recently made its debut on PSN and XBLA, but it originated on t...[Read More]

Review: The Gunstringer (Kinect)

Sit right down and I’ll tell you a tale…a tale of adventure, brotherhood, betrayal, justice, and revenge. The Gunstringer, the rootinest-tootinest sheriff in the West, was betrayed by his posse. With the spirit of revenge in him, he rises from the dead to enforce justice on his former friends. All variety of bandits and bad guys are thrown his way, but he plows through them all. Nobody...[Read More]

Review: RAGE (360)

RAGE is an absolutely beautiful game. Regardless of what else may be said about the game, RAGE brings its post-apocalyptic world to stunning life with an amazingly crafted environment, wonderful character design, and smooth animations. And let me tell you something…by the time you get through the first disc of RAGE, you’ll be glad that it’s so beautiful…because you’re...[Read More]

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