Xbox 360

Review: Orcs Must Die! (XBLA)

There are fantasy worlds in which orcs are noble creatures. Valiant, peaceful, and in harmony with nature, these orcs are worthy of respect and admiration. While I do appreciate the effort that has gone in to bringing a modicum of civility and gentility to a stereotypically barbarous and bloodthirsty race, my orcs of choice have always been, and always will be, Tolkien orcs. Orcs Must Die!, as you...[Read More]

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive’s New Game Mode

Last month, we found out that one of my favorite games, Counter-Strike, was getting a re-release of sorts onto consoles as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Loaded with new maps, updated classic maps from the original game, new game modes, ranked matchmaking, cross-platform play, leaderboards, new weapons, and more, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is going to absolutely kill any free time I may o...[Read More]

UPDATED: Win Vertical Ascent of Deeply Frightening Dreams

WINNER ANNOUNCED: Leon (@lmd1974) has won the copy of Rise of Nightmares! Thank you all for participating, and keep your eyes open for more contests! …or, as it is more commonly known, Rise of Nightmares! Do you have a Kinect? Do you enjoy video games? Have you always wanted to feel the grim satisfaction of swinging a chainsaw through necrotic flesh? Until the zombie apocalypse arrives, this...[Read More]

Review: Renegade Ops (XBLA)

A supervillain named Inferno is threatening the world, and the United Nations wants to negotiate, against the will of General Bryant. Facing the grim reality of the cowardice of politicians, General Bryant does the only sane thing there is to do; he forms a group of operatives who will work outside of the law to take down the threat that Inferno is presenting. These uncontrolled operatives, or Ren...[Read More]

Review: Radiant Silvergun (XBLA)

In the past, I may have made mention of my adoration for Ikaruga. I have spent many frustrated hours immersed in the bullet hell of Ikaruga, and I don’t regret a single second of it. Now, for the first time in my life, I’ve had the chance to play the game that made Ikaruga possible: Radiant Silvergun. Developed by Treasure, and ported as an XBLA exclusive, Radiant Silvergun is just as ...[Read More]

Review: Rise of Nightmares (Kinect)

I imagine that watching me play Rise of Nightmares would not be totally dissimilar to watching me do a mixed-pace session of Tae Bo. I am fairly certain that SEGA was fully aware of this fact when developing it. As the first M rated Kinect game, I’m sure they relied on it, in fact, to help counteract the severity of the game’s violence and demeanor. That being said, Rise of Nightmares ...[Read More]

Review: Driver: San Francisco (360)

On the second day of playing Driver: San Francisco, my wife and I decided to head out for a bit of lunch. Our chosen destination was Panda Express. After power-sliding around corners in the game, throwing up smoke from spinning tires for two days, I was in a bit of a driving frenzy. As we started heading to the restaurant, I found myself going something like 40mph over the speed limit, which promp...[Read More]

UPDATE: Scrum Up In Rugby World Cup 2011 (PSN)

WINNERS ANNOUNCED: Commentors Josh, ductongue, and jeffreynguyen and Twitter users @ramdomwolf and @brianimdiesel have won the five Rugby World Cup 2011 PSN codes! Thank you all for participating, and keep your eyes open for more contests! If you’re not familiar with the sport of Rugby, imagine a more physical version of American Football. Now remove some of the rules of American Football. N...[Read More]

Review: Rugby World Cup 2011 (360)

Rugby World Cup 2011 is a game that is unsure of its identity. I mean, can you really call a game Rugby World Cup 2011 if it only has 10 of the 20 teams licensed to appear in the game? Is it really Rugby World Cup 2011 with only half of the participants of the actual Rugby World Cup 2011?

Review: Leedmees (XBLA)

Lemmings was a ridiculously simple, yet classic game. You had the Lemmings, whose sole purpose was to travel from their origin on the map to an exit point. Your goal in Lemmings was to clear their path in a way that got them to their destination safely and in one piece. Leedmees is Lemmings, and in that respect it is not particularly original. What makes Leedmees original is the WAY you accomplish...[Read More]

Review: Crimson Alliance (XBLA)

Certain Affinity’s Crimson Alliance certainly attracts captivated audiences contentedly attacking creatures amok. By which I mean, it’s good. If you purchased or otherwise received all five of this year’s Summer of Arcade titles, you should know what Crimson Alliance is, as it was the free reward. If you did not, then this is your introduction: Crimson Alliance is a hack-and-slas...[Read More]

Review: SkyDrift (XBLA)

To quote Digital Reality, developer of SkyDrift: “The goal is simple: if you can’t overtake them, shoot them down!” That line epitomizes SkyDrift’s attitude and gameplay almost perfectly. What you have here is more than just an aerial arcade racer. What you have here is an aerial arcade racer with power-ups. Do you remember playing Pilot Wings on your Nintendo 64 after a ro...[Read More]

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