In a world where bionic replacements and enhancements for the disabled are becoming more and more advanced, and corporate greed and disregard for the welfare of people are becoming more and more prevalent, it’s easy to see the transition to the world of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. You are Adam Jensen; ex-SWAT, current security chief for a major biotech corporation, and recent recipient of lif...[Read More]
I’ve never watched Ugly Americans. I had no idea what the show was about, what kind of show it was, and if it was anything I’d even be remotely interested in. Having played Ugly Americans: Apocalypsegeddon, I can now say without hesitation that I’m going to give the show a try. Ugly Americans is the kind of game that just opens your eyes to what gaming could be with its innovativ...[Read More]
I can’t say that Rock of Ages is unique. I can say that Rock of Ages is unique for a video game. The humor and the plot are in the vein of Internet/Gaming/Fantasy/Etc. nerds, while the graphical style and animations are unabashedly reminiscent of Monty Python’s animation genius Terry Gilliam. In that way, it is not unique, because its inspirational sources can be easily and clearly ide...[Read More]
Spanktopia (a totally not-real place that needs to be a totally real place) is being destroyed. DeathSpank, hero of Spanktopia, has become the unwitting cause of its destruction. Donning all of the Thongs from his previous adventure, he inadvertently created an evil clone of himself, the AntiSpank, who has turned Spanktopia into a post-apocalyptic wasteland. DeathSpank must stop his dastardly dopp...[Read More]
Boulder Dash XL is, for those of you too young to remember, a remake of a classic 80’s game, Boulder Dash. While some remakes can only be linked to their original iterations with very loose threads, and have become something other than what they originally were, other remakes stay true to their original source and present a new game with a classic feel. Boulder Dash XL is definitely one of t...[Read More]
Hole in the Wall, for those of you who can’t figure out how the game plays just by reading the incredibly vague and misleading title, is pretty easily summed up in four words: Hole in the Wall. Hm. I guess it wasn’t as vague and misleading as I thought. Based on the 2008-2009 TV series Hole in the Wall, which was itself based on the original Japanese (of course) TV series Nokabe (trans...[Read More]
Call of Juarez: The Cartel comes from developer Techland. That name might sound familiar to a lot of folks out there as the developer of the soon to be released Dead Island. The game takes place during the modern day, which is quite a jump from the first two set during the 1800’s. You have to wonder what Techland was thinking when they did this…Did they say to themselves, “We can never compe...[Read More]
I know this will probably lower some opinions of me, but I don’t particularly care for the Half-Life series. The only thing I really appreciate at all about Half-Life is that it served as the base for one of my favorite games of all time: Counter-Strike. Back in a time when I was still on dial-up, I spent many hours (and many dollars) at local LAN/Online game centers playing de_rats, de_dust...[Read More]
Driver: San Francisco is one of my most anticipated games this year. I wailed in dismay at the news that it was pushed from August 30th to September 6th, because it meant waiting yet ANOTHER week for a game I want NOW. Conversely, I squealed in delight when I saw the news of the single player demo being released on Tuesday morning. Though the last two days have been filled with life events and oth...[Read More]
This would have gone up yesterday, for three consecutive days of Anarchy Reigns releases, but I was in the middle of a FIGHT FOR MY LIFE (disclaimer: “FIGHT FOR MY LIFE” is not intended to reflect any actual fight, be it as serious as a fight for survival or as lighthearted as a fight over Chinese or Japanese for dinner). This marks the eleventh character reveal from SEGA for Platinum ...[Read More]
With a new character reveal yesterday being swiftly followed by a new character reveal today, one could start hoping that we’re on a new streak of character reveals for Platinum Games’ cyborg-laden button masher, Anarchy Reigns! Today’s character reveal, the tenth so far, introduces us to Garuda.
What’s a two and a half month character bio gap between friends? It’s been a while since we’ve seen any character reveals from SEGA for Platinum Games’ upcoming multiplayer brawler, Anarchy Reigns, but the time has come for the ninth character to see the light of day: Durga. I think I can safely say that this will not be my character of choice. Durga is, not surprisingly, y...[Read More]