When it comes to racing games, they can be very hit or miss with racing fans. In the past, there have been some fantastic racing games, like most of the Burnout franchise, Test Drive Unlimited, Forza, and others. There have also been some awful racing games, as well. Often, it can be a matter of preference (arcade vs. sim). I’ve got a few racing games that just sit on my shelf collecting dus...[Read More]
WINNER ANNOUNCED: Congratulations to “Penlaf” for winning a copy of Borderlands 2 for Xbox 360! Thanks for participating! It’s been nearly two months since our last caption contest, and I can’t think of a better way to return to them than with a copy of Borderlands 2 for the Xbox 360. Our review just went up, so it’s time to get excited and enter for your chance to wi...[Read More]
It’s time to take a trip back to Pandora. You remember your first trip? Roland, Lilith, Brick, and Mordecai searching for the vault with the help of CL4P-TP (more commonly known as Claptrap) put you in the middle of a grand adventure leading to an empty vault. Or so you thought…Something has changed, and now a new set of vault hunters are going to Pandora with the vault in their sights...[Read More]
Recently, it seems to me that each time I gaze at my handsomely bearded face in a mirror, I become more and more unrecognizable. Not because my beard is taking over my face (it needs a bit of a trim), but because I am undergoing a confusing and frightening change. I’m not talking about puberty, either. I’m talking about my growing fascination with, and enjoyment of, stealth gameplay. I...[Read More]
Have you played Joe Danger? It’s been out for almost a year, come December, and it’s an incredibly fun game for you and your friends to check out and enjoy. For those of you who have played the original, you’ll be pleased to know that Hello Games has developed a sequel, Joe Danger 2: The Movie, now available on Xbox LIVE and available at a later date on the PlayStation Network. S...[Read More]
I know many of you reading this are huge fans of the game Mincraft. Well a lot of us have been awaiting news for the next update, and finally some details have come out thanks to PlayXBLA. The first part being that the build has been sent in for testing so hopefully soon the update will be passed and pushed to consoles. Personally I can’t wait for creative mode so I and friends can stay up a...[Read More]
How many of you already own Dance Central and/or Dance Central 2? How many of you are looking forward to Dance Central 3? You’re in luck, because today, Harmonix has surprised fans by releasing a demo on Xbox LIVE for their upcoming dance adventure. I’ve spent most of the day playing, and have been having an absolute blast. Included in the demo are three songs: Jennifer Lopez ft. Pitbu...[Read More]
There are at least a few of us here at Marooners’ Rock that are huge fans of A World of Keflings, from NinjaBee Games. Chris and Lindsey had a great podcast with NinjaBee’s Andrew Hill a few months ago about A World of Keflings, and some of what they discussed seems to be coming around now. There’s no release date or pricing yet, but A World of Keflings upcoming DLC, Sugar, Spice...[Read More]
Konami has announced that its recently revealed Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 will be releasing on PC along with its Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions. The Windows PC version is being worked on by Madrid-based Mercury System, and builds upon its predecessor. The new game will feature a new storyline, a larger cast of characters, and breath-taking graphics. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 is set ...[Read More]
Mad Catz, with their TRITTON line of Xbox 360 exclusive headsets, seem to be well on their way towards the construction of an auditory weapon of mass destruction. Don’t follow? Let’s take a look at their 360-exclusive range and see if things become more clear. Are you in the market for an entry-level wired stereo headset? Try out the Trigger, or the Detonator. Perhaps wired just doesn&...[Read More]
Strange as it may sound, my last real Rock Band experience was Rock Band 2 on my PlayStation 2 back in 2008. I enjoyed it immensely (I even lost my voice once doing Filter’s Hey Man, Nice Shot; I was committed to the song), but because of my wife’s susceptibility to Simulation Sickness (a kind of motion sickness brought on by certain video games), we ended up selling it due to disuse, ...[Read More]
Show of hands: who hasn’t had the opportunity to play Skyrim yet? If you’re one of the unlucky ones who aren’t able to raise your hand to this question, then you don’t know what you’re missing…or you know exactly what you’re missing, but you just don’t have the money available to not miss it. Either way, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is an absolutely f...[Read More]