Xbox One

Shovel Knight (Xbox One) Review

So often today, we see many Indie Developers feel like instead of striving for realistic graphics, they take a page out of yesteryear’s games. This is the direction that Shovel Knight developers Yacht Club Games decided to take, but oh did it pay off so well. Instead of feeling like a knock off of 8-bit games from years ago, it is almost as if they meant to release this game in the heyday of gamin...[Read More]

Joe Dever’s Lone Wolf Console Edition Available Today

505 Games announced today that the console version of Joe Dever’s Lone Wolf, a digital take on the game book series has arrived on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Lone Wolf Console Edition collects all 4 chapters of the original story created British fantasy author and game developer Joe Dever, with updated visuals and controls. 

First Dying Light Community Bounty Announced

Who’s ready to splatter some zombies for the greater good? Starting this weekend March 19th-20th Dying Light: The Following will be hosting it’s first community bounty ‘Buggy Frenzy’ and it sounds like it’s going to be a lot of fun.

Nien Nunb and Greedo Take Center Stage in Star War’s Battlefront’s Outer Rim DLC Trailer

On March 22nd, if you have purchased the Season Pass for Star Wars Battlefront, you will receive the Outer Rim DLC expansion. In this first wave of paid DLC, Nien Nunb and Greedo are added to the Hero roster. Yes, that means you can truly decide, time and time again, who shot first between Han and Greedo. Nien Nunb, on the other hand, is the Sullustan who flew with Lando Calrissian on the Millenni...[Read More]

New Trailer Shows Off The Scale Of The New TMNT Game!

The much anticipated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan is garnering more attention with its latest trailer. The game, coming to us from PlatinumGames and Activision, sets players up as one of the four famous turtles, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo, against a cadre of bad guys who are raining destruction down on the turtle’s home turf.

BioShock: The Collection Rated for PC, PS4, and Xbox One

Long rumored, it finally appears as though BioShock: The Collection, which one would assume would contain BioShock, BioShock 2, BioShock Infinite, and all the DLC, is nearing release. Shown in a tweet by Lifelower, a Taiwanese game rating website has a listing for BioShock: The Collection and has it rated for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. BioShock: The Collection rated for PC/PS4/XB1 in Taiwan....[Read More]

New Games come to Xbox One Backwards Compatibility

As many of you remember we’ve had tons of games show up as downloadable when the game were being tested for Xbox One. With the list of Xbox 360 titles we can now play I will not be shocked if one day most of the games out for Xbox 360 start working. You can find our write up on one of the mishaps by clicking here that announced a few of these titles that released today. Today, three new game...[Read More]

Evil Pro Controllers Review

Evil Controllers has been in the game for quite some time now, manufacturing both a pre-set series of Pro Controllers for sale, as well as the ability for players to customize their own however they see fit. I’m sure a lot goes into not only the design of the controller, but also the feel, as it has to be more than a good-looking peripheral for any serious gamer to consider.

Evil Pro Controllers

  Pro Button Remapping All functions are remappable (ABXY-DPAD-BUMPERS-TRIGGERS-THUMBSTICKS) Remap in under 5 seconds! Simply press View button + Pro Button then release(rumbles twice)---Press button you want to assign(rumbles once)---DONE! Note: No tools are required. Remap as you please. Pro Trigger Remapping Remap any function to your triggers. Included with all ...[Read More]

TrackMania Turbo Xbox One Code Giveaway

As someone who loves racing games when TrackMania Turbo was announced during E3 2015 I was excited as can be. With only a few more days until the release our friends at Ubisoft would like to give one of you a chance at winning TrackMania Turbo. With all of our giveaways there will be rules to follow, which I’ll get to in just a moment. If you did miss the news today on TrackMania Turbo you c...[Read More]

The Division Earns Biggest First Week Ever For New Franchise

Ubisoft’s newest franchise, Tom Clancy’s The Division, has been a huge success since its release on March 8th. It began last week, when it became Ubisoft’s highest selling game in the first 24-hours of release, and now has become the companies best-selling game and the video game industry’s best-selling new game franchise in an opening week.

TrackMania Turbo Open Beta Starts this Friday

As someone who is playing the Xbox One version of TrackMania Turbo for review I’ve been putting in quite a bit of time. Well Ubisoft has just announced that TrackMania Turbo is getting an open beta, which will start on March 18th and will last until the 21st. Yes, only two days away and gives you a few days of practice!

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