Xbox One

Sony Comments on Microsoft’s Proposal for PS4 & Xbox One Cross-Network Play

On Monday, Microsoft revealed that one if its initiatives was to allow Xbox Live to support Cross-Network play. It will begin with Rocket League on Xbox One and PC, and they claim news about other platforms will be coming in the future.

Grand Theft Auto Online’s Newest Update Has Us Riding Low

Drop the car, and cruise at low speeds. Grand Theft Auto Online just released its newest update for PS4, Xbox One and PC, and it has quite a bit to offer.

Gears of War 4 Beta Begins April 18th on Xbox One

In a post from Adam Fletcher, Director of Community for Gears of War 4’s developer The Coalition, it was revealed that their much-anticipated title will be receiving a Xbox One multiplayer beta on April 18th. Those who have purchased and played Gears of War: Ultimate Edition on Xbox One of Windows 10 will be given codes for the beta in waves to join the fight first. After April 24th, if you ...[Read More]

Trailer & Release Date Revealed for Fallout 4: Automatron DLC

The first add on for Bethesda’s Fallout 4 will be available to download on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on Tuesday, March 22nd, and will cost $9.99 in North America. In addition to the release information, a new trailer was included, which you can watch below.

Axiom Verge Announced for Xbox One and Wii U

Axiom Verge, the Metroidvania style game by Tom Happ, is headed to Xbox One and the Nintendo eShop on Wii U in 2016.

Xbox One Now Supports Cross-Network Play With PC & PS4

In a move that is sure to be welcomed with open arms to Xbox One owners who have friends on PC or other consoles, Director of ID@Xbox Chris Charla announced today to Xbox Wire that, “In addition to natively supporting cross-platform play between Xbox One and Windows 10 games that use Xbox Live, we’re enabling developers to support cross-network play as well.”

First Free Update Detailed for The Division, Brings Incursions and Loot Trading

While there is a season pass for Ubisoft’s latest title, Tom Clancy’s The Division, they have stated there will be plenty of free updates for those who are attempting to save New York City from an unprecedented attack. The first of these updates, called Incursions, will be dropping sometime in April.

Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse

The Half-Genie Shantae makes her debut on the Xbox One with Pirate's Curse, a delightful Metroidvania adventure with memorable characters and music. After making her mark on handheld Nintendo systems, how does this version hold up? Find out as Alex McCumbers plays it for the first time.

Rocket League Paint Job Comes To Dying Light, May or May Not Protect You From Zombie Horde

Rocket League and Dying Light are a pair of games that keep on giving. In a partnership between Techland (Dying Light) and Psyonix (Rocket League), content related to each game is now a part of the other.

Gears of War’s General RAAM Joining Season Three of Killer Instinct

Killer Instinct for the Xbox One & PC has been busy diving into Microsoft’s game catalog and recruiting its best talent. First with Rash from Battletoads, then recently with Halo’s own Arbiter, Killer Instinct is quickly becoming a tour-de-force in providing great fan service. Now, according to a leak reported by Shoryuken, that star-studded roster is about to get a little bit bigg...[Read More]

More Farming Simulator 15 Content Coming to You!

Not long ago our one and only Dan Nixon and I put in some time with the game Farming Simulator 15 on the Xbox One. Boy did we have an interesting time, but he kept pushing my damn vehicles into the river. Though that was when the game first released. Fast forward to today and new DLC has been released for the game. What is it you ask? Let’s find out!

The Division Breaking Records for Ubisoft

This news probably doesn’t come as too big of a shock, as The Division has been highly anticipated since it’s E3 announcement back in 2013. The Division has also set Ubisoft records for total digital full game sales in a single day across all platforms, releasing on PC, Xbox One, and PS4 on Tuesday.  This is good news for Ubisoft, as they seem to have another hit on their hands.  Tom C...[Read More]

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