Xbox One

Prepare For The Doom Beta With A New Multiplayer Trailer

Buried deep in gaming history is a little known game that came out last century named Doom. While it had only a minor impression on gaming, the franchise stumbles on. . .

Handcuffs and Beavers. Not what you think, it’s Ark’s Newest Xbox One Content!

PC gamers usually get things early. This is normally due to the game being developed for PCs first and then being ported to whatever console. However, the developers of the popular Dinosaur rodeo sensation are steadily closing that gap between versions with the newest patch on Xbox One. Starting today, Xbox One survivors can tame giant beavers and the chocobo-like Terror Bird.

Steal with Friends! Thieves Guild DLC for ESO Available Now

Elder Scrolls Online continues their expansion of Tamriel with the newest expansion, focusing on the Thieves Guild. PC and Mac players can now travel to Abah’s Landing to help restore the titular guild, all while battling the oppressive Iron Wheel mercenary group. Xbox players will be able to join the cause on March 22nd, while PS4 heroes can expand their horizons on March 23rd.

Just Cause Takes Down Sky Fortress With All New Goodies!

The Just Cause series has become one of the most reliable titles for ridiculous and addicting open world action. Now Just Cause 3 is getting a little bit bigger with Just Cause 3: Sky Fortress, the first content pack, and those with the Air, Land, and Sea Expansion Pass. Those without the pass can grapple it on March 15.

The Batmobile Comes to Rocket League!

Rocket League has been a near-nightly habit for me since it hit PSPlus all those months ago, and every bit of new content has been worthwhile. Independent developer Psyonix has now partnered with Warner Bros. to bring the Batmobile from the upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice to Rocket League!

McDROID Lands On Consoles

A couple years ago, a cute little robot landed on Steam and won over a lot of hearts, 82% of the reviews to be more precise. Fast forward to current day, and now us console dwellers can experience the little guy ourselves.

Screen Cheat

Screencheat is the ridiculous split-screen shooter where everyone is invisible so you have to “screencheat” (Screencheat - verb: to look at your opponent’s screens. “Stop screencheating you cheater!”). Master a wide variety of one-hit kill weapons including a blunderbuss, a car engine that shoots bouncing plasma balls and a teddy bear loaded with explosives. Train your skills in the solo time tria...[Read More]

Screen Cheat Review

Remember the good ol’ days of Goldeneye? Sure you do. But a lot of players felt that the fun was tainted because, well, you can’t stop players from “screen cheating,” or peering over at your current player’s box to figure out their position and ambush them. Aside from setting up an elaborate cardboard system, there was no way around this.

Exciting! Expect Big Experiences this Spring on Xbox One and Windows 10

Some news dropped about what to expect over the next few months from Microsoft in regards to the Xbox One. I’ll give a brief overview of what people really wanna know about, the games. Some of the years biggest hits are coming this Spring! So forget spring cleaning, you got games to play.

Available Now! Gears of War: Ultimate Edition on Windows 10

Fans were excited to play one of Xbox’s best and most notable exclusive series on Xbox One when Gears of War series got a serious overhaul and was released as Gears of War: Ultimate Edition. Available today it is now available on Windows 10!

Forza Franchise comes to Windows 10 this Spring as a Free to Play

After over 10 years, Microsoft is finally expanding their racing realm. Forza, is a popular worldwide series on Xbox consoles and Forza Motorsport 6: Apex will be an opportunity for Windows 10 PC users to join the racing experience. Players worldwide will be able to experience the addictive game play, free-to-play this spring in the Windows Store. Forza Motorsport 6: Apex uses the ForzaTech engine...[Read More]

New Features come to Xbox One in future Update

As someone who is in the Xbox One Preview program I grow excited with each update that comes out way. Well this upcoming update is going to be big and just reading the list provided below makes me wish for the update now. Who can blame me? Funny to find out as I write this that Xbox Preview program members are getting the update TODAY.

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