Xbox One

New Quantum Break Footage Leaked and Information on File Size

The exclusives for the Xbox One have been spotty, and few have reached the mainstream to the success Microsoft would have liked. With Quantum Break, they turned to Alan Wake developer Remedy.

10 Tons ltd Announces Vertically Scrolling Shmup Xenoraid for Xbox One

Our friends at 10 Tons ltd have just announced a new game coming our wait later this year. Of course we all know you’re here to find that out, right? 10 Tons ltd is very excited to announced the game Xenoraid. What is you ask? Let’s find out in the information provided below. On top of this news the game is set to release on Xbox One via the ID@Xbox program as well as Playstation 4, Pl...[Read More]

Things Get Pretty Dam Intense In New Ark Update

This past week, Studio Wildcard released a new update for their survival game ARK on PC. What’s the update? Beavers and Handcuffs. No, it isn’t 50 Shades of ARK (as much as I kind of want to see that crossover).

Holy DLC Batman! Rocket League Shows Off New Car

Psyonix, developer of Rocket League, announced this past week that they will be releasing the newest Rocket League DLC with a hand from Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. Get ready to play some Car Soccer with the help of the Dark Knight’s Black Stallion. No we’re not talking about Batwing. We are of course talking about the Batmobile. That’s right, prospective Heroes of Got...[Read More]

The Division Gets 60 FPS PC Trailer

Ubisoft’s newest game, Tom Clancy’s The Division, has been causing a lot of commotion recently. The game is due out on March 8th, and it has had multiple successful Beta weekends over the past month. According to The Division Zone, last week’s open Beta was checked out by 6.4 million, yes MILLION, players. Average time spent in Beta? Five hours. Yeah, those are some crazy impress...[Read More]

Run The Gaunlet in World of Tanks Blitz IS-3 Defender Challenge to Strengthen Your Aresenal

Wargaming is challenging its World of Tanks players to an intensive multi-level mission for an awesome reward. Starting February 23, tankers can take on an eight-part mission to win the extraordinary IS-3 Defender. What makes this vehicle special is that it has an autoloader. Any player that manages to get this vehicle will wreck shop and annihilate their enemies. This monster of a tank will only ...[Read More]

DiRT Rally Developer Diary Takes Players on a Ride to the Game’s Release on Consoles

Codemasters and Deepsilver have released a developer dairy for DiRT Rally. Fans can see the team discuss key features that will make the game successful and talk about its release on both the Playstation 4 and Xbox One on April.

Far Cry Primal Review

Over the past few years, Far Cry has remained consistent in its quality, whether it was taking us to some overseas locale to fight off savages with animal-like abilities, or shooting us into the future, where Michael Biehn insisted on being a bad-ass while riding around on a T-Rex shooting lasers (Blood Dragon, in case you forgot).

Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 Review

When EA released Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare a while ago, it managed to prove that not only could the company create a multiplayer experience oriented around a games that players of all ages and skill levels could grasp, but it also indicated that PopCap Games was ready for more than just the usual mobile fare.

The BioShock Collection Rated for PS4 and Xbox One

I got my very first Xbox 360 later than most people I knew. I got it August of 2007. The game I got for it? BioShock; and what a game. Since it was my first trip into the new generation, I was overwhelmed by not only how phenomenal the voice acting and story were, but the graphics were game changing. The airplane scene in the beginning after the crash made me hold my breath. It was amazing, and no...[Read More]

Rocket League Rockets Onto Xbox One

I hope you Xbox fanboys are ready to do some car soccer, because Psyonix’s Rocket League propelled onto the One this past week. Before this week, I’ve never played it. However, I have put multiple hours into this game and ohmygoditissomuchfun. If you purchase the base game, you will also get the previous DLCs (Supersonic Fury, Revenge of the Battle-Cars, and Chaos Run) at no additional charge. The...[Read More]

The Banner Saga Review

I’ve been hearing about The Banner Saga since it’s initial PC release back in 2014. I’m not the biggest PC gamer but I love hearing about all the new games that come out. So when I found out that The Banner Saga was coming to Xbox One and Playstation 4 I was thrilled that I, and other console gamers, would have the chance to finally play it.

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