Experience the action and excitement of Star Wars™: The Force Awakens™ in an out-of-this-world Star Wars™ Pinball 2-Pack! Star Wars™ Pinball: The Force Awakens™ Pack will be available on console, PC and mobile.
The Xbox One Elite Controller is a redesigned controller with a handful of new features. It was announced at E3 2015.
As someone who had spent crazy amounts of the last four years working on a console each day it’s not all gameplay and fun, ladies and gentlemen my controllers have taken an incredible beating. I’ve watched in horror as my less-than-a-year-old controllers have developed thumb stick drift, buttons have worn and stopped being crisp to press, and the sadness of knowing that Dan’s Con...[Read More]
A First Person Shooter Gun Ballet set in a cutesy abstract world. Jump and shoot your way through five worlds full of treacherous enemies with your trusty semi-automatic!
Lovely Planet from Quicktequila and Tiny Build Games is strange, wonderful, and one of the best games I’ve played this year. At first glance you won’t know what to expect when Lovely Planet starts. The catchy jazz soundtrack mixed with pastel colors makes you feel like you’ve stumbled into a new first-person view of a Katamari Damacy level. Almost immediately the game turns all your expectations a...[Read More]
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate managed to do something pretty sweet with the series when it debuted last month, creating a great new storyline in jolly ol’ London while basing it around a pair of memorable characters, Jacob and Evie Frye. But what would become of the offered DLC for the game, you ask? Well, we already know where the first story begins…and it’s with Jack the Ripper. J...[Read More]
Set in the plague-ravaged city of Dunwall, Dishonored follows the story of Corvo Attano, the last bodyguard to Empress Jessamine Kaldwin. Framed for her murder and the abduction of her daughter,Emily, Corvo is falsely imprisoned by the Empress' Royal Spymaster and usurper, Hiram Burrows.
20 years after the events of Assassin's Creed Syndicate, 'Jack the Ripper' has embarked on a brutal reign of terror that shocks London to its core and threatens the very existence of the Brotherhood of Assassins.
As someone who’s been playing Ark: Survival Evolved on PC I’ve always been excited for the Xbox One release. Well now you can cheer since the release date and price has been announced via IGN. However, this will not be the “Full Game” the release will be via the Xbox One early access. Now let’s get onto the news you all want to know about!
Starwhal started as a Kickerstarter campaign back in November of 2013. Originally it launched for Steam. From there, Wii U and PlayStation versions were launched. This only left one powerhouse to not experience the fun. The time is here. This is Starwhal for the Xbox One, and get ready, because it will rock your world.
Starwhal is a couch co-op centered party game by Breakfall that pits you and your friends against each other as adorable space narwhals.
WHO COULD HAVE GUESSED?!?!! For real though, I am thrilled. I have seen a ton of Rocket League this past year, but I have yet to experience it for myself. Rather, I have lived vicariously through Let’s Players and I love everything about it. It has rockets. It has soccer. It has customizations. What more do you need? Bundled with the game, you will get all three content packs (Superson Fury,...[Read More]